Originally published at: THE ZELENSKY CLOWN SHOW

… I mean, seriously folks. Is this little twit for real? Well, sadly, yes. By now we’ve probably all seen those Ukrainian television shows with the future Hope for Mankind buck naked and playing a piano with his Oh Nevermind, so yes, this Clown and Twit show is for real. The good news is, his…


Well, this exposé dovetails nicely with the missing children propably getting lost in the spirit cooking pot. The Ukraine seems a rotary for anything that can’t stand much daylight. The West is so sick it is getting rejection in the outroll of its debased agenda, but can you keep it out of your borders for long if you are using that same debasement to weaken the Western world. Really think your are not getting infected by vigorously spredding rot? Time will tell.

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:coffee::coffee: Good morning, dear Joseph,
Remember that song?
Send in the clowns
There ought to be clowns
Don’t bother, they’re here.


The clown show turns dark.


BIG hint! Doesn’t that figure. I think the cross-dresser might have told us part of what’s going on over there.

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“Chinese- and Ukrainian-sponsored puppet show”. Exactly. But add - and their partners in profit.

I do not understand why this accurate description is not obvious to the American public. How can people be so hoodwinked by the uniparty? It must have something to with group identity in a social dynamic that is energized by emotion creating sensoids.


If your television experience is the mainstream news, professional “wrestling”, Monday night football… how the heck would you understand the concept of reality?


Is not the uniparty but a mechanism for one-world religion?

From 2 Thessalonians (KJV):

Understand, I am not implying that the American public is damned per se; damnation is of the Lord.

My point in posting THAT Bible passage is that it was prophesied some 2,000 years ago that there would come an end time with great lies and deceptions from Satan’s works, as well as strong delusion from God so those lies would be believed. If there is going to be one-world government and one-world religion, then it seems reasonable that Satanic deceptions and strong delusions from God would extend into global politics as a means to achieve that end.

The current utter stupidity of the American public at large has been an incremental and incessant process for more than a century, facilitated by technology. It is part of the divine plan.


There is also a prophecy in “Compendium of The Emerald Tablets” about the time when men once again fly in the air. Sorry I can’t quote it for you; gave my copy away to a friend!! :wink:

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He sure loves those brown shirts :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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There is one thing in your thesis, professor Farrel, that creates a logical contradiction with the principles of the nazis, if you permit me to make a respectful statement about.
The nazis where all about the white race, and i can see in the entire world, the centrally planed effort to exterminate the white race by all governments, and all left leaning instituitions and groups.

Even the Catholic Pope is onboard with the demografic warfare being waged agains Europe and white people, as he declared that europe should accept unliimited immigration from hellhole countries.

If the nazi international captured those governments, why are they doing this to the white race?
What´s the point in driving it to extinction?

I´m not white, 1/3 black, 1/3 indian, 1/3 white, and i look with deep horror the public shaming, humiliation and calls to do everything to take the whites away from everything in society, and make them pay for everything done wrong.

If the nazis really had some power behind the scenes, why are they doing this? Or letting it happen against their own race?


This is a signal to all the pedophiles in high positions in the world, of wich abramovic is some kind of spiritual leader: “Ukraine is the place to be now, free kids for rape, torture and murder for everyone who comes to the club


Your thesis is, respectfully, simplistic. The Nazis were also anti-Jewish. Yet, as I detail in my books, they also leant assistance to the Zionists. Why? Look beyond simplistic binary categories. It isn’t about that. THe Nazis were also anti-Slavic, yet recruited Slavic Waffen SS units, and on and on we could go.


Exactly. The Nazis were (and are?) brutal pragmatists who would use anybody and anything – including “Untermenschen” – that would help them reach their goals.


Would it be fair to draw the comparison between the showmanship of Hitler and the clown Zelensky? I think both are the symbolic puppets of an underlying power structure. Maybe Hitler believed he was running the show? I’m sure that worked out fine for the money men behind the curtain.


You might be on to something when it comes to maybe instagating WW3, however the showmanship of herr H. had lots more oomph on the world stage. Lots of the agenda of neocons might be from Nz pages and older, but they can’t sell anything. All they show is brute force and chaos that ensues because of it.

It seems this crop of fiends can’t hide their ugliness behind anything, not even behind their “folie des grandeurs” which is quite pathetic really!

The H one give me the creeps, the other is nothing more then a clown.


Adding to that, there were many high-ranking officers of Jewish decent - (Colonels, Generals, Admirals and so forth) - Mischelinge - who served Hitler in the German Wehrmacht.
Astonishing as it sounds, life is rarely only black or white.
Author Bryan Mark Rigg penned excellent and very well-researched books on the subject.


@ShadowNet Actor though he may be, I find it hard to imagine Zelensky giving a speech at home and holding thousands of his countrymen spellbound and “heiling” enthusiastically, the way so many Germans did at those big Nazi rallies where Hitler delivered his deranged rants. Hitler was some kind of evil genius; Zelensky, it seems to me, is more of a second-rate clown.