"They are HIDING a massive UFO base in Antarctica" | Redacted w Clayton Morris


I have been to many places on the continent of Antarctica. A very strange place indeed. A fairly recent discovery has been of one of the largest structures in the known Universe, a “wall” of galaxies that’s at least 1.4 billion light-years in width. So, given how close it is to us, is it ‘NOT HIGHLY MYSTERIOS’ that it has not been seen before now, MEANING VERY RECENTLY? Well of course many of my friends that were with me did ‘observe’ it, but of course ‘they’, meaning my friends, have all unfortunately 'passed-over, i.e. meaning they all died early deaths for various reasons.

Also, what is so intriguing was that every single Person who served duty their during the Vietnam War said their service in Vietnam was ‘heaven-on-earth’ when compared to their duty in Antarctica.

Why, is the real question to pose here: “Why has one of the largest structures in the known universe, a “wall” of galaxies that’s at least 1.4 billion light-years long not been discovered until only recently?”

Based on how close it is to the Earth, why has is not been seen before now, meaning until about 4-5-6 years ago? That poses a real problem when considering all of the 'massive scientific research that has been undertaken ‘down-there’.

Also the question to raise is this – 'Why, IF THINGS WERE MADE PERFECT IN THE BEGINING, then WHY in the World do we need to add a ‘Leap Year’ every so often?

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Unless stated that this is the age old historic war with Angels, I am done with all socalled blowing of whistles. Yesterdays more reputable ufologist like this chap can go too. My respect for the Sala’s, Dolans ect has dwindled to nothing. Yesterday’s UFO has become today’s UAP and tomorrows boogaloobugaloo, I don’t even keep up with their gnostic wordgames anymore. No truth will ever come out of their mouth’s, period. To all of them it is nothing but a never ending live unforlding Jules Verne book in forever bread and butter modus. Some started out in search of the truth, but in today’s world with dwindling integrity that number has reduced and still does.

I think Angels hide in mountains, oceans, dark side of the moon, desserts… In the end, even without the proper code reading the Bible unveils more truth than the ufologists ever put together, hence the attack on Christianity and Bible.


neru/nidster, I agree and as far as the “galactic wall” maybe Dr. Farrell is correct and it’s a plasma life form… it could contain both heaven and hell, how else would we be able to experience our friends and loved ones after this life?


Maybe current humanity is a watered down version of the first human iteration that got invaded.
The book that tackles this is;

This is interesting too…

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That idea is starting to make more sense.

This interview with MONTALK has elements that seem to be similar to a process known as Neuro Linguistic Programing. Not a ‘bad’ thing, and it can be easily adapted to many different worldviews.

Nuero Linguistic Programing

“NLP claims that our mind-body (neuro) and what we say (language) all interact together to form our perceptions of the world, or maps (programming) and that said map of the world determines feelings and behavior. As an approach to personal development or therapy it claims that people create their own internal ‘map’ or world, recognizing unhelpful or destructive patterns of thinking based on impoverished maps of the world, then modifying or replacing these patterns with more useful or helpful ones. There is also an emphasis on ways to change internal representations or maps of the world with the intent of increasing behavioral flexibility.”

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