I want to share some remarks indirectly related to the discussion around the
Joe Rogan Experience 1747.
I have not seen the interview yet, but I’d like to share some general remarks, doubts and questions about “Controlled opposition”. Imho, the concept is easily overstretched, specially since hardly anybody bothers to define it.
Controlled opposition could be defined as someone or some organisation that claims to be against the establishment and the deep state or for the people, but instead collaborates explicitly; or pretend not to know and surely knows. And that collaboration should go beyond just using some major communication platform…
First there is the case of some different cases of alt media, where I had the clear impression if not conviction that they do not tell everything they know, because they want to keep their audience and help them to understand without telling the full story, eg being a kind of teacher. (Maybe I am myself in the learning process and still do not understand well ) Let’s say you want to talk publicly about 9/11, then you better not talk about no-planers and directed energy weapons or the like, right? Or, when discussing with people, I personnally try to catch up with what people know and make sure they accept my opinions; so one could have the impression that I hide something…
Then, I’m not sure if I do not prefer having a country with a lot of controlled oppositions than none, because it teaches and exercices the spirit of opposition and pluralism, which then in the best case returns against them: This would be my understanding of the Yellow Vests movement that some (who do not know a lot about) claimed also to be Color Revolution while Macron was allegedly so desperate ready to escape by helicopter…
Another example is Q-anon which … brought me indirectly here, so even if obviously coming from some fraction of the deep state, it feeds indirectly critical thinking.
Also, before claiming “controlled opposition”, one must be sure that they do not know better. But my impression is that many even very well known figures know much less than we might think: because knowledge takes time, specially if one wants to be sure that it is not wrong information while having other things to do; also, a socially highly exposed person will not bother a lot about fringe science and socially not accepted opinions.
Here is another case: Long before I stumbled over GDS and DJ, I was interested in Deep State, False Flag etc. And then, one of Germany’s best independent journalist – Dirk Pohlmann – both interested in Deep State and UFOs got me motivated into the UFO file. But it turns out, his interest was triggered by the WP and NYT articles, and three years later, it seems that he and others still seem not to understand that the whole “UFO disclosure” narrative is an CIA op. It could be “controlled opposition”, but it could also be that they just have a blind spot? Note that Pohlmann was kicked out of MSM after his documentary about Israel and the atomic bomb; and later harrassed for his inquires about Wikipedia.
The last remark or question concerns ideology vs mind control. Many seem to believe that the opposite of their political convictions are mind controlled and manipulated, for instance some right wing seem to believe that every left wing thought and conviction is just mind control and manipulation, but some left wing thinks exactly the same thing about the right wingers. And that misunderstanding will generate a whole other set of impressions of “Controlled Opposition” and the like.
I think in this context, the understanding of ideology through antropology like Emmanuel Todd is very helpful: for instance, there are different family systems that will feed rather individualist or rather collective ideologies, and also egalitarian or inegalitarian ideologies and some more like freedom vs savety etc. That’s not mind control, but culture.
So, what’s your approach opinion about it?