Originally published at: https://gizadeathstar.com/2025/03/tidbit-chinas-recent-fusion-feat/

Apropos of today’s main blog, here’s the story, shared by V.T., of China’s claim to have sustained a fusion reaction of 1066 seconds: Nuclear fusion breakthrough: China’s ‘artificial sun’ reactor sets a new world record by generating a steady loop of plasma for 1,066 seconds - taking the world closer towards limitless clean energy


It would appear the ‘race is on’. Should a country/entity decide to connect this source (fusion) to the public grid, will a pack of wild dog oligarchs mistake it for a pipeline that then goes kaboom before it goes online? Why share it with us useless eaters when we’re to be culled anyways?

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I think the people talking about culling the population are idiots and tools who were given the answers to an exam, but they have no clue about the subject or have barely studied it. The way they interpret the answers gives away that these answers dont come from them.

I dont know who really is behind blockchain, the idea of “harmony with nature” or “imitation of nature”, or “transcending duality”, but the people who think they are implementing these ideas are just idiots in my humble opinion. For fusion I would look at how the various topologies of plasma are quantized, there are not that many shapes and some topologies hold more promise at stabilizing fusion than others. In essance when you get close to fusion point the strong nuclear force kicks in and is essentially a self interacting field. Then you have the Bohmian pressure potential, a macroscopic quantum potential that Dr Farrell talks about when he mentions Kozeyrev’s ideas on time. Here is a good paper explaining how these potentials emerge:

I dont see all of these ideas being incorporated in fusion reactor design yet but I think the Chinese have been getting close lately.

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"Culling the population’ is a means of getting rid of dissenters. Until these rival wannabe controllers get to that point in time you’re talking about @abellache, they still have ‘us’ to worry about and we far outnumber them. In that aspect they’re still a little bit human, maybe.


Lets hope that you’re right and that indeed we still do pose a threat. I feel like for some of them (a tiny more intelligent faction) this is about rebelling against god.

Reproduce only themselves and cull and destroy everything else, do it so extensively that the holy spirit (or the universal hologram) becomes them and them only.

They would have defeated god then as they would have copied and pasted themselves as his replacement. By hijacking the topological metaphor or the trinity, if you override the holy spiri, in principle you would have overriden god.

That is what agent smith was trying to do in the movie the matrix. Agent smith was lucifer.

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