Originally published at: https://gizadeathstar.com/2025/03/tidbit-yet-another-mad-scientismist/

Apropos of today’s main blog, V.T. shared this one; why stop at mental engineering: just re-engineer the whole human being with all its wants and desires (and note the many aliases of Dr. Walter Bishop and his many personalities): Mad Scientist Wants To Engineer People To Not Like Meat And Make People Shorter To Reduce…


The bamboo / Panda MRNA story unavoidably brings to mind the research on inserting vaccine components into genetically engineered fruits and vegetables for human consumption…stealth vaccinations.


“After stating this, he went onto explain the benefits of engineering humanity to become smaller in height to reduce emissions as well.”
I feel sorry for anyone suffering from dwarfism. Their world of other people’s flatulence would become even more intense. My reply was heavily influenced by one of my favorite comedians, Billy Connolly.


What came first to “your” grocery store?
The mRNA egg and/or the mRNA chicken?
Brought to you by Soviet-styled USSA technocrats?


My “gut instinct” is to be suspicious about the herding and goading going on behind the scenes… There seems to be an aggressive push to promote a lot of animal eating and to disparage plant based diets. This genetic engineering madness is, in some ways, another example of that – the disgust rendered in what these genetic engineers do is enough to drive anyone away from even thinking rationally about other aspects of plant based diets. Right now, if one simply mentions “plant based” or “vegan” everyone is automatically programmed to think about WEF, Greta, cow farts, and now these mad genetic engineers. To me, it is a kind of entrainment program, as I am convinced about one thing: The one thing that Blackrock and Vanguard do NOT want is for anyone to follow a wholesome plant based diet (unless they can somehow contrive to make more money off that then from their slaughter industry, which I doubt, as the animal killing industry is tightly linked to their pharma industry profits). All the ridiculous arguments about plant based diets are smoke and mirrors and obfuscations and designed to engineer disgust for a diet that is, at least to myself, quite natural and wholesome, without any violence to animals either. (I don’t have any instinct whatsoever to kill animals, and so, for myself, I feel more grounded in my plant diet.)

I do think there is some evidence that organic whole food (unprocessed) plant diets can be health promoting, if one chooses to go into that direction. Where I draw a line though, is on force. I don’t think that anyone’s diet should be forced by one’s government, or by anyone else for that matter.

I am a long-term vegan, have come into that by personal choice, and can say that I have not suffered health effects because of that diet. It’s not to say that I don’t get ill – like anyone else, I do, and then deal with it. But, I’ve reached my senior years and take no medications and can still enjoy hiking and other activities. And so, no one is going to convince me that a plant-based diet is dangerous.

What I do see going on, though, is a lot of behind-the-scenes goading, like this ridiculous bio-engineering, that has nothing to do with plant-based diets. It has everything to do with sinister experimentation, and these scientismists have been let loose to do experiment in whatever ways they please. Frankly, I’m not even sure (anymore) that humans are running the show. (Thanks to your books, I went out and read Sitchin’s Earth Chronicles, which have left me wondering about a lot of things, not least of which is this sinister genetic engineering business).

Your body tells you what it needs. Its not even a conscious thought, you just feel you ‘need’ to eat something or ‘stop’ eating something. If you just listen.

Right now I am eating too much for pleasure/boredom when I am not hungry.

Like I had 2 breakfasts. One small roll with turkey and then a breakfast bar. And now its lunch time and i dont feel hungry but I have chicken parmesan waiting.
It tastes good so you eat it, even if you dont truly want or need it.


Yeah, like eating a sweet dessert after a huge meal. There’s alway room🤭.


yes its a problemo in western society

Yes, to some extent, I agree… about your body telling you what it needs.

Doug Lisle and Alan Goldhamer’s book The Pleasure Trap, pointed out how our bodies are instinctively wired to pounce on calories as soon as we see them, because of an ancient need to store fat until the next meal can be found (assuming that early humans were foragers). This makes it a challenge to live in a civilization where there is no scarcity, but that instinct is still there driving us to pounce on food.

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Control of our instincts is what allowed civilization and the battle still rages🤭.


lizard brain
monkey brain
human brain
angel brain
god brain
who wins?

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The leaders aka the brainless.


God wins, but the angel brain is next


All going at full brainpower, no brainwashing; I’d say God clears the room.
But monkeys are smart, humans only use 10 % of their capabilities.

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