Tom Luongo on a reality tear?

I think Larry Johnson is apt that a big fuel for the masses is prophetic loonacy within Judaism, Islam and Christianity. It is also a good way to get rid of religious peoples thru genocidal carnage. The less people on a big oilsight, the better!

I think Tom Luongo is spot on that Europe is made so poor to try and get a “perpetual mercenary soldier” fighting “perpetual proxy wars” as only way to feed what is left off what constitutes for family.

Another means of culling the herd…do these freaks have a ‘ways and means’ committee somewhere? :wink:

People go to war for two reasons: to protect those they love, or because it beats watching their children starve.

Luongo, as much as I enjoy his work is flying further from the axis upon which his popularity spins, that kind of angular momentum can only mean separation.

His views have shifted dramatically. He now dismisses concerns about Jewish supremacy and often attacks those who still discuss it. He’s adopted James Lindsay’s concept of “the woke right” - though Lindsay, a Protestant mathematician, seems unreliable in his analysis of dialectics and German idealism. Dyer, to his credit has dissected Lindsay and found much of his scholarship outside of mathematics to be extremely superficial.

At this point, I cannot even define what Lindsay means by “woke right” and apparently neither does Lindsay. “Woke right” seems to be a very concerted attempt, not unlike the terms “globalist” or “neocon” to avoid the discussion about real ethnic realities of power structures. Woke right seems to be aimed at avoiding the very real discussions about white heterosexual males being wholly cast out of society, certainly out of institutions. Lindsay claims that these “woke right” identifying a power structure (Frankfurt School, et al.) is the same tactic used by the Progressive left, to identify “White Men” as the issue, and therefore the grievances of whites in the US are merely identity politics of the same premise being reframed for different purposes. Of course, woke right is imposed without historical context of any sort, which is why both Lindsay and Luongo, the former being a plant and latter just being a narcissistic idiot from a damaged childhood, very dangerous.

Lindsay specifically is another agent who understands his target audience are dispossessed, illiterate, and being plundered and therefore vulnerable, can be moved like pawns provided they cannot examine history. He is a wedge which has been driven between the MAGA cult, the incoming former leftists and centrists, moving to MAGA position, and the “real right” defined by people like Farrell, MRJ, and so forth, which possess an understanding of tradition.


Can’t say I know anything of Mr. Luongo’s varying concepts of ideologies. Seems most men on God’s tilted earth has them, and that is a problem. Arrogance of exceptionality together with some ideologies attached to it, is oft a personal downfall in humans.


Tom Luongo presents a fascinating study in contrasts. His background - marked by an alcoholic police officer father, an absent and mentally ill mother, and complicated relationships with his siblings - helps explain his current worldview and behaviors. This difficult upbringing seems to have shaped both his strengths and limitations.

His recent success appears to function as a protective shield, making him particularly sensitive to threats of deplatforming or income loss. This defensive posture, combined with signs of narcissistic personality traits, influences his public positions and arguments.

Like many libertarians, he embraces civic nationalism, which often leads to philosophical inconsistencies. His worldview notably lacks deep engagement with concepts of ethnicity and culture beyond surface-level understanding. Libertarianism serves him as a convenient middle ground, allowing him to avoid definitive stances on challenging issues.

Yet his contributions shouldn’t be dismissed. As a self-taught intellectual with impressive analytical abilities, Luongo has produced valuable insights, particularly in his writing from March 2021 to December 2023. His work stands out for its clarity in explaining complex economic and political mechanisms without getting bogged down in academic terminology. For those seeking to understand the intersection of politics and economics, his analysis of how power structures operate proves particularly illuminating.


Obviously Tom is in complete denial of reality. But that’s the problem of Judaism post Jesus Christ. Rejecting Christ means the mishnas like destroy Amalek, appoint a king etc, still exist and are to be persued.

Yet there are no more Amalek! and the world governement thing is proving unfeasable.
But admitting they were wrong seems to be too much for most Israelis and the diaspora. So now the entire human race is Amalek, to be culled. The messianic world teacher thing is also still a commandement.

The supremacy and shocking behavior are the logical, unescapable consequence, of continuing to insist on these messianic mishnas and prophecies. They no longer make any sense after the end of paganism and the worldwide the spread of christianity.

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He really is in denial. As a physician, a very easy case can be made for Luongo’s covert narcissism. Very unfortunate.

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Rejecting Christ as the fullfillement of Judaism’s program of religious reform is the original great denial coming from the rabbinical religion.

Dispensationalism is when the denial becomes a caricature of itself. The followers of this path end up resorting to narcissism, gaslighting, and lying to oneself as defense mechanisms.