TONIGHT! Dark Journalist: Season of Assassination Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell


Dark Journalist part 1 and 2 are not yet available on Daniel’s website (I believe Daniel said they would be there this past weekend). I sent him an email on Saturday but he has not responded nor placed the files on the members portion of his website… this is no reflection on Dr. Farrell but Daniel could do a lot better to support his members by communicating this type of complication. Just saying, this is not the first time.
P.S. I still love Daniel’s interviews with Dr. Farrell.


Just venturing a guess that the censors are working overtime. This has happened before.


Sometimes I think I’m a hothead. I didn’t think of that. Thank you.


This is standard for DJ site. Sometimes takes up to a week.
Part 1 IS on the site. I keep checking back for Part 2.

Part Two, may be at this site under a paywall[access to paid members].
I believe Dr. Farrell is looking at this option.

Fingers crossed, it will be available here in some form -soon.

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Yes. I was replying to those that I thought were members.
Thanks for the clarification to All.

Part 2 for members is now on DJ site.