Mate, He is so much like my neighbor in Andaluz! We drank our coffee and pan tostada con marmelada every morning at the cafe on the paseo overlooking the Med. Puro gitano. How did you know?
Just wait.Shortly for a while.
Or better with this.Take your sining or dancing or both,or none.Take and make your choice at your will and desire.
Aw,humble pirate… I told the evil drago already …vade retro satana.
Puro gitano is pure … Purity to which all heavenly gifts aspire.
Many things i know.Many things i see in broad day light and in the darkest of the nights.I never sleep.Much like the dragon never sleeps always keeping one eye awake guarding his treasure.So the dragon can never be slained even when some think he can be while he is asleep, over night.That is not true but is false.Dragons never sleep.Can’t be slained.They die only by old age when there is theirs time do die or in battle but only if they estimate they must.