Transhumanism hx

I was involved with some of the teachings and technology mentioned in this article. Anyone else?


Thankfully no, this reads like bad news.

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Leaving behind our humanity, authenticity, free will, ultimately consciousness and last but not least the meaningfull relation and interaction with nature!

So no, this reads like a nightmare.

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St Justin Popovich saw transhumanism coming decades ago:

β€œThe European man has finished his mission and has created a new man without God and without a soul. But can this new man, this superhuman be found? Behold, he does not exist as an individual, rather he exists as a collective power which devastates Europe (and not only Europe) through humanistic education and humanistic culture, through humanistic art and humanistic civilization. Thus, one particular type of European man was created, the Holbachian, namely, homme-machine, homo faber, homo technicus (the manmachine, man-maker, technical man). This man is without God and without a soul. In other words, he is a de-divinized and de-spiritualized man-robot. The robot is precisely a robot because it does not recognize God and the soul.”

  • Orthodox Faith and Life in Christ
    St. Justin Popovich