Travel Writing - In its Old Fashion, Adventure Classic, Style

I enjoy reading travel books, with stories about their travel experiences.
Usually, written with humor, danger, & sex.
Now, it’s mostly strictly commercial; a catalogue of politically-correct picture-perfect, sanitized travel.

Finally, found another travel writer I hadn’t read.
Don’t know how I missed him. Currently reading:
Crazy River - Exploration and Folly in East Africa
By Richard Grant, 2021

17 pages in, and having a buckaroo, on-the-fire-sizzling blast!


Typical of an against the grain travel writer; Grant peels back the Dudley-Do-Right African NGO’s, and cuts to the chase, [pg 136 - paraphrasing]
The tsetse fly causes sleeping sickness, and can cause death if untreated.
Feels like a needle injection.
Where the flies lived, cattle died, but the native wild-life was immune.
Cattle has destroyed the lush African wild spots, but not where the tsetse flies lived:
the famous National Parks and hunting preserves.
The NGO’s are moving into those few wild-life areas with tsetse eradication campaigns.
These ancient tsetse fly area barriers were falling, and the cattle were displacing wildlife in new areas.

The writer doesn’t say it, but I will:
The blame, will not fall on NGO’s nor cattle - it will fall on “climate change”.

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