Trump as the Tiphareth the Sephiroth of splandor and light

I sometimes get into funny debates on X with some Christian cabbalists, but this response struck a chord. I think its true for many reasons.

White Knight
Trump is Tiphareth, the King in Triumph reflecting the Divine Spiritual perfection of the Father in Heaven. He is a harbringer of Truth and Love in the form of Jesus Christ our Saviour, Lord and Messiah.
God bless you noble Donald and may God in Heaven protect you and your kin

I think the traumatizing of the world using the qlipotic tree is yielding the demand for a savior. The is the last battle actually. In a weird self fullfilling way. I also think the Davos crowd is now close to discovering the secrets of scalar physics to they will be stopped.

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Connecting this to the 7 headed beast

The enslavement and commoditization of women by the debt based bankster system. The 7 headed beast is tormenting the fallen man and breaking his heavenly bond with the primordial father and mother. The crowns of both man and women have fallen, the 7 headed beast is the crown wearer. Humans enslaved to the underworld of materialism.

The fallen man is also the figure of Christ in the first coming. The second coming is that of the pre-fallen man. Hence the splandor. :thinking:

Interesting… Christian Kabbalist, that’s all we need now to complete the looney tunes circle. Notice the divine simplicity in the X comment, I’m quiet fascinated by this topic. There is a Trump messianic phenomena particularly around people that want to complete the project in Israel. In my opinion a fanatical group of people.

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