Trump speach at RNC key points of future policies

At 1: 03 min he’s talking basicly about El Salvador and Bukele, not a friend of US. I always thought there is something fishy about how quicly and efficiently Bukele solved gang problems. Imo he must have had help from outside, CIA, China, Russia, these are my chief picks. And this is only country where besides dollar bitcoin is official currency. This reeks a stink of globalist experiment to high heavens.

At 1: 10 min “Russia is after all Ukraine”

At 1: 18 min building “iron dome” for USA???

At 1:23 min the end of “electric mandate” that’s tough language directed at Musk?


It reeks and stinks of globalist experiment to high heavens because that’s what it is! The more those two open their mouths, the less I like them. I don’t trust Trump for many reasons, chief among them because of the masks & jab, and globalist legislation he proudly passed.

I don’t know how much land Russia is going to take, and at this point, I do not care. I’m concerned about My Country. I think Putin is a globalist as well.

This Iron Dome trash puts all the money in Israeli pockets; nevermind that our roads, bridges and all else are falling apart. Trump will no doubt leave it unfinished, just like he left the border wall unfinished.

Ending the electric mandate might have more to do with favoring the O&G companies than Musk. “Drill Baby Drill!”

The VP candidate of this not-for-war ex-President sure wants to bomb the hell out of Iran, and the statement by Trump at the debate about ‘not letting Israel finish the job (Gaza)’ is just downright vulgar. The first group of non-Jews chased out of Palestine/Gaza were Christians; some families having lived there for centuries. Chabad Don doesn’t care about Christians whatsoever.

The next POTUS may very well determine whether We The People will live or die, literally. Many think we will push through ‘hard times’; not if what we’re hearing regarding their plan comes to pass. It could mean the death of millions, if not billions of people.

This entire ordeal is just vile, in every way.

P.S. - Let’s not forget his possible picks of Jamie Dimon and Larry Fink!

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