Trump's Ear Death Experience?

In light of the events from last Saturday, would it be fair to say that Trump had an “ear death experience?”


Trump has a ‘Miracle Ear’.

On a more serious note, even medical practitioners are divided in arguments on the bleeding of the ear and or the lack theroff. In the end it comes to what “belief” you want to uphold.

I guess so. Some time ago, I have been explained, that a shot just like that could kill you, when using some kind of high velocity ammo, creating vacuum in its path. That would force the brain inside your head move a bit and blood spitting out of your ear, and that would be it.

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The either or proposition seems very difficult for many people. The only route they want to tread on is the polarising one. Kind of sad really what society has become.

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Odd snippets of info (disinfo?) keep coming out. And thoughts mature, raise new questions. Like; Crooks had no ID on him, was identified by DNA. DOD has been using portable scanners for some time ( RapidHIT 200 from California-based IntegenX and the DNAscan from NetBIO in Massachusetts.). But for a scanner to identify someone, their DNA has to be in a database…otherwise it’s matching to ??? So how did Crooks’ DNA get into a database such that he could be identified? COVID test?

And additional possible links between Crooks and that Blackwater commercial have emerged. Photo of the Econ teacher shown in the commercial shooting at same range where Crooks was a member. Econ teacher was also a coach, transferred from AZ. White van had AZ plates. An alleged Crooks trip to AZ a week before shooting (via phone metadata) and alleged meeting with former USG agent.

The metadata info is from an ‘interesting’ source and may be disinfo.
The DNA ID of Crooks could be a woopsie. It’s public knowledge about the portable DNA testers (used to ID Osama BL) so not an issue telling us about the process. But the ‘how DNA get into database’ is another question. Either they actually did have it some way and it was used, or they didn’t have it…they already knew who he was because of prior interactions and didn’t really make a DNA match at all.

So the question for today Senator Hawley should be ‘how did you get his DNA to match/ID him so fast?’

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Very interesting, but that aside, in the mean time when everybody is busy trying to find out and speculate what happened, our “prison” is being implemented without distraction!


@GW1 @neru Ear actually has poor blood suply so amounts of blood on Trump was reasonable for the type injury. Also beecause of that, ears surgeries / injuries heal badly particularly upper caritlagous part. Ear is very well enervated so any serious injury is quite painful.