TVER as RUS 9/11

as in, the official story (drones, from UKR, set off ammo) is wrong on all counts and to admit it would require some public introspection

9/11 nuclear? maybe
beruit nuclear? maybe (2020 Israel hit Beirut port with a tactical nuke, low radiation yield)
TVER nuclear? maybe (Is it a nuclear strike, ammo depot explosion, or fuel depot explosion?)

ripple story spreading futher (


armchair posts sat images showing large/powerful airburst

cerno takes a victory lap (

spanish TV gets on board (

great thred (


Cerno is aware of, will do a thread on Ripple tech (thanks good DR!)
Luongo/Krainer I think have a great mental mapping of the factions/financial implications of the UKR/RUS and Davos/UK/US disagreements.

i think this is big. important. US/NATO has and is willing to use the ripple dial a yield clean bombs and wear them openly. RUS apparently didn’t figure out the tech.
NATO refuses to let UKR go - they had at the very least THIS card yet to play. now they’ve begun to play it. (and israel in beruit but we pretended not to notice, and in moscow in 2023 but we pretended not to notice)

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I’m also leaning towards an incident similar to Beirut port. Maybe a warning shot to the Kremlin to stop arming Iran. Chabad Loubavitch is very powerful within both Russia and Ukraine. Russia needs Iran to remain stable for vital security reasons but its can’t piss off its own diaspora in Israel too much.

I dont think its some super duper hidden magic tech as the rouskies would already be collecting the debree and their technicians can tell if its some exotic tech or not.
Most likely this is connected with the coming full scale war in the middle east. If Putin does not cease and desist in aiding Iran (I think he will freeze weapons delivery), an actual power plant could go next.

some point out that this tver strike was the right place to hit if “reduce the flow to iran of missiles” was a part of the action plan.

the suggested ‘super duper’ part is the ripple stuff. MIT was the one repoasting the “it’s a revolution in the tech not an evolution” - so far RUS hasn’t to my knowledge done the ‘clean and tactical nuke proof’ in return. and we’ve egged them on in that direction pretty hard now.

yeah on the power plant being a likely target. that or like the pagers - new fresh assault of some style - suitcases in cities, etc

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Interesting! any places where they talk about this ripple thing?

it’s a bit long but super interesting.
here’s my cut and paste (pinned to my account profile) of the MOST interesting bits.


link to 2013 AF paper “theorizing” about “possible” clean fusion tech

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