Two men (dairy farmers) jailed in Lancaster and York Counties, attorney claims they are being held illegally

Wentworth and Herr are former dairy farmers who now operate NoBull Solutions, a breeding company that helps dairy farms with the reproductive management of cattle.

This is getting out right scary.

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So a farmer can hire and pay an employee (who is not a vet, but a technician) to do ultrasounds on cattle, but if the procedure is outsourced he must use someone who has a veterinary license or he is fined and arrested? Looks like a trade protection racket to me.

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I agree with you Bill but the bigger question is there is no due process. Pennsylvania courts/judges reek with corruption.


Ironically in the state where due process was enshrined…another “in your face” reminder from the ruling class’ power. No laws only rules and procedures we design…ug.


Pretty confident, especially knowing the “medical community”, of which vets consider themselves the smartest because they have multiple species to PRACTICE on, it will get worse before those of us farmers drop out of the CORPORATION and take a stand for the Republic.

Right now, it costs $800 to geld a horse. This means in an industry where horses can not be sent to slaughter (unless transported to Canada or Mexico), the backyard horse “crop” is about to explode. Just no sane solution today.

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The “medical communities” are being used as the primary controllers of society. Psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, veterinarians (symposium on how to mass kill animals?)….