“The missile has a plasma bubble surrounding it.” This makes so many things make sense now. I heard rumors long ago that the titanium designed SR-71 blackbird could only go Mach 5 at like 80k ft +, because of what was described to me, as millions of super heated vorticity of air around the leading edges of the air-frame. The rumor was they introduced a platinum into the titanium to make an alloy that actually was revealed in the first Iron Man, i digress. Anyway, effectively bringing the Mach 5 envelope down to about 60k ft because of the heat dissipating qualities of Platinum, thus reducing the now understood “plasma” surrounding the air-frame’s heating effects.
This dramatic “Laser” weapon seems to be UK designed and operated, the only thing “Ukrainian” about it is where it is deployed. Probably the more dramatic photon cousin of our Mazer, phased array Microwave non visible kind.
And now i’m wondering if our Mazer system will make thru the plasma surrounding the hypersonics as they come barreling into our airspace…
EDIT: Correction: I Just finished watching the First Iron Man. I was incorrect in what the line in the movie was, the line is “Use the Gold Titanium alloy from the Perefran/Terafran? tactical satelittes.”