UNCUT: Robert Barnes Speaks Outside the Lancaster County Courthouse

Anyone from Pennsylvania here?

“The State of Pennsylvania is ATTACKING Amos Miller, an Amish farmer in Lancaster County! In this video, Robert Barnes (who is representing Amos) shares his thoughts after an injunction hearing today (2/29/24).”



Unbelievable, PDA is the criminal. Who reins them in? State actors policing each other? Conflict of interests all the way around. Don’t the citizens of PA get it? They are okay with this kind of “justice” and use of their tax dollars…government and corporate corruption at its finest. Geez.


Yeah we all get it, most of us, majority of us, but we are dealing with a rogue government system here in PA. PA is right behind Cal, NY, IL. A lot of old money (corruption) out of Philly and the Burgh. At least we fight back. Whether that accomplishes anything, sometimes it does & sometimes it doesn’t.

Edit…. The Lancaster Patriot has been all over this:


And the government goons have a project, “enforcing the health codes we were hired for, performing our duty to the state”. Prime example of the tyranny of the democratic majority, which we were warned about in the beginning of self government. Ironic the constitution for our democratic republican form of government, not democracy, was initiated there in Pennsylvania. Perhaps the winning of the show trial by the state using any means is to prove to the citizens who is in control.
Seems the entire state should be up in arms over this power grab. Will be interesting court decision. I commensurate with you over the situation. Hope and pray Robert Barnes and associates prevail and the corruption of the judiciary is exposed to all.