Upton Sinclair wrote In 1922, "Suppose I were to tell you...."

Upton Sinclair’s 1922, 'The Goose-Step: A Study of American Education".
“Six hundred thousand young people are attending colleges and universities in America. They are the pick of our coming generation; they are the future of our country. If they are wisely and soundly taught, America will be great and happy; if they are misguided and mistaught, no power can save us.
What is the so-called ‘higher education’ of these United States? It is something which has come to be; it is big and impressive, and you are impressed. Every year you pay a hundred million dollars of public funds to help maintain it, and half that amount in tuition fees for your sons and daughters. You take it for granted that this money is honestly and wisely used; that the students are getting the best, the ‘highest’ education money can buy.
Suppose I were to tell you that this educational machine has been stolen? That our six hundred thousand young people are being taught, deliberately and of set purpose, not wisdom but folly, not justice but greed, not freedom but slavery, not love but hate?”

[My, how times have changed?]


There was a time when Latin and Greek languages were required for entering a real college and taught in schools. Now the humanities barely exist. What can be expected? If a student can’t read the original copy, the translation can be almost anything the translator wishes and the students are putty in their hands.

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