"Verizon’s NetSense" posted in https://brighteon.io/ spying on everything we say and do... blacklist, go analog

SuicideSeattle 812 · it’s a long post with lots of info…

“Verizon’s NetSense”
Smart Lights Are Being Rolled Out Globally
Sensity Is Now Owned By Verizon. Sensity Is Now Called “Verizon’s NetSense”

You can safely assume all new LED lights in cities, airports, hospitals, even homes - Are “smart”.

EVERYTHING under surveillance. IPV6 allows for 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000s of addresses for sensors, computers, phones, etc.

The Verizon Intelligent Lighting platform converts LED fixtures into sensor-equipped smart devices that capture and transmit data in near real time.

Verizon Smart Communities Map - United States

Smart city, smart planet: Sensity is creating a billion-node network of global sensors — in street lights

There are over four billion street lights in the world. Almost all of them are high-intensity discharge lights that use mercury vapor or some other toxic substance to create light. All of them require power, and most burn out every two years.

Now, what if all these could become nodes on a sensor network spanning the entire globe?

U.S. and Chinese Tech Firms Team Up on Sensor Networks for ‘Smart Cities’
Sensity, CAS Smart City to work on technology that could monitor traffic and air quality, and provide video surveillance
May 12th, 2016
U.S. and Chinese Tech Firms Team Up on Sensor Networks for ‘Smart Cities’ - WSJ

Verizon - The Evolution of Smart Cities
26 Page pdf

5G for smart cities
A guide to more efficient and sustainable operations
12 Page PDF

The Heartbeat of Smart Communities
Verizon Business
Dec. 4th, 2018 - Video 2 mins

Sensity Systems, a US-based provider of an Internet of Things (IoT) platform for smart cities, has added Core Node EX-C to its NetSense Core Node product range, which enables outdoor smart lighting and sensor data to use cellular data networks.
April 27th, 2016

Kansas City as an example
Kansas City, Missouri, USA will deploy the collaboration’s solution to monitor the US city’s new streetcar line.

The IoT smart city security solution incorporates Sensity Video Nodes, integrated with LED lights, communicating over Wi-Fi to the Genetec Security Center video management system (VMS) with intelligent analytics enabled on the Sensity Video Node. In addition to analytics, the Video Node can record high resolution and low-resolution streams from each of its two cameras and maintain the storage at the edge — using the Genetec Edge Protocol — to be retrieved as needed.

Verizon buys IoT startup Sensity to boost smart city portfolio
Sept. 12th, 2016
Sensity’s platform embeds networking technology within both new and retrofit LED lighting systems.

Verizon - They Are In Charge Implementing Many Of The Emerging Smart Cities Technologies.
Verizon Smart Cities

Transformative IoT solutions to advance any organization
From fleet management to smart cities and connected commerce, our Internet of Things (IoT) expertise and solutions will go to work for you.

Intelligent Street Lighting Systems | Verizon

Discover intelligent lighting for energy-efficient communities. Remote operation & 5G-enabled…



Love that catch phrase and sales pitch, “better management of assets”… meaning…us? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The two streetlights in my neighborhood were replaced with LED light fixtures. I don’t see any additional features other than the light. A couple of years ago the water meters were replaced with “smart meters” doing away with the monthly meter reader.


Thanks for this Jeana18, it’s a gold mine!


Need to move to a cave. And if that doesn’t make you mad, this will - found these today which our satanic gov has been doing. Can they possibly be doing all this. They seem to be routing data through our body tissue NOW.

A second one I found -




Another look at Sabrina, interesting…


Sabrina is ‘Space Force’, is she? Hmm, where have I heard of Space Force most recently? My late husband warned me about all this from his time in Vietnam, but how does one understand such concepts in 1972, esp. without seeing it? Now that I’ve gotten over that ‘kicked in the stomach’ feeling, I have to ask if there’s anyway at all to protect yourself?

While they’ve essentially got us all, and I don’t mean aliens have got us, it seems the connection isn’t complete until you’re jabbed. Since our air, food, water and every other thing we take in is now compromised, is there any, physical solution?

In the same site as the video attached, you’ll find, “Sabrina Can’t Read” and “Sabrina Got Duped by Group from Bangladesh”.


Sabrina was just showing this on her channel. Make of it what you will.

Sounds like the days of an organic human are limited. I guess the Reset was literally referring to unplugging humans and reprogramming them. The patents are approved, the issue now is recouping the expense and where to stage the victory party.