I know many people are very sceptical about Q and the notion that there even is some kind of counter against the deepstate etc.
In this interview they break down many events and highlight facts that together shows a clear picture of how the US military is picking apart the corrupt financial system and making the way to create a new financial system that is not based on debt and corruption.
Try to go in with a open mind and not get triggered by pre conseived notions.
Cornelia unfiltered- episodes
2 days ago
Cornelia unfiltered- Episode 59- Interview Derek Johnson
- Interview with Derek Johnson about US code, military law, US constitution, Pennsylvania and the Wallenberg family out of Sweden. Is Sweden under siege by the US military or why wasn´t the swedish flag on the red caste raised when the four star general Christopher Cavoli was in Sweden selling Patriot?
Derek Johnson documents:
Free People Movement:
Facebook post about the the Wallenberg company structure:
The American Justice Department bribery resolution with Ericsson and Telia:
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