Very Scary...Walmart with lots of empty shelves in the food section

This is So. Carolina. Will check out my local store today.

That is common to see where I’m from in Aurora, CO now

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… I guess this means we’ve hit “peak food” … I’m not sure if everyone is aware that we haven’t had oil based products since 1972.


Several trips to my local food stores this week including Trader’s Joe and Whole foods yielded the same picture. What’s new is shortage of produce. Packed salads and other packed vegetables shortage and paucity in selection. If I am correct most of them are grown in green houses in Canada. Canadian truckers on strike? or Chinese have penetrated Northern border with their shipping containers, and possible “fire cracker” on a board, and now there is a backlog at scanning gates?.

What’s worse in Colorado our main grocer we have access to is Kroger owned King Soopers who was on strike last 7 days, just ended today, but workers Don’t come back till next week , I tried to buy groceries for my family this morning and it was super super bare, and what food they did have such as all the overpriced chicken smelled rotten , I came back home with just Chips, Soda and tortillas, yikes! Not too healthy either lol

When shopping yesterday and looking at produce, I suddenly became queasy, not because the produce looked bad but in recalling the earlier ‘threats’ of inoculating it with who knows what, i.e. vaccines, and whatever additives to make us more compliant.

And who knows if the produce once grown by some of the larger organic growers who do sell to big chains, have been compromised as well?

And how will 5g effect the already highly depleted and irradiated soil?

Time to get those seeds started in whatever space and way you can do it.

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You can grow greens in pots indoors, while you plan your garden in the spring


Walmart today, some small sections looking bare, more picked over. Little less meat. Stores jammed. WM workers all restocking as fast as they could. Have to wonder if everything in the back is now out on the shelves & starts depleting from this point going forward.

This is a woman who CAF has recommended as having some good ideas on ways to move forward in these times. You can subscribe to her website for free.

Recent article includes:
Homesteading Tips from John Moody + Upcoming Rogue Food Event!

View the full article here:

This is a must read & share:
• Learn how to setup a local food distribution system at this year’s Rogue Food event, by experts who know how to navigate these waters.
• Interview with John Moody provides an abundance of great tips on homesteading, no matter how small your place is.
• 100% Heirloom seeds to get you going, plus free seed starting and garden planning training.


I think it will take some time before supply routes are freely moving again. So I suspect that what we’ve been experiencing, sadly will get worse before it gets better. Getting together within communities is probably the best bet going forward.

That and buying storable food wherever you can find it.


Nice! Thank you much!

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