Vidchat for JPF

While Joseph is recovering from surgery, it could be a nice community offering to hold a vidchat in his honor. Honestly, it wouldn’t be the same without Joseph. I miss the Friday deep dives into member questions and thoughts. This is his community and we should carry on his spirit of work. What do you say?


I would be happy to have a ‘gathering’. Even just the same format as the usual ‘pre-chats’ would be fine, though anything involving possible Zoom formats etc I would also happily attend :slight_smile:

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That is a great idea if someone knows how to set it up, I think it would be fun.

Good idea it would be good to have a group chat.

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Great idea. I’m a recent member, but I fell in love with the giza community via dark journalist. Why not have a vidchat with the Topic, How Did You Discover Doc? Oh crap, wait if I do a deep dive on this, I discovered him via a rapture channel, CAF, and my mind was blown by the dark journalist lengthy interviews. Still though, I think it would be a great topic.


Same here Vincent I was captivated by the professor on Dark Journalist. Bought some books and joined the community here,


What if we invited somebody? For example Walter Bosley and send him questions? We can always ask him to join the Giza Death Star Community on a friday night. And let him stream on his own channel but that we send in questions like we do here.


And there is something else i was thinking about. The work Joseph did with GeorgeAnn Hughes. There is so much content. The Covert Wars series for example. How about dusting off these old conversations and bring them to today?


Never heard, I’m assuming related to the famed pilot? Either way definitely curious now.

For all interested, here’s the wayback link to Joseph’s page on GeorgeAnn Hughes’ Byte Show website. New Gizars might enjoy listening to these early interviews. I never tire of them!


It would be very nice to have the chat.

GeorgeAnn Hughes show is the reason I found Joseph, what an amazing person. And all new members could start with her interviews for a real deep dive.

It could be great to read some selected book excerpts. Nothing too long, somewhere between 10-15 reading. I’m sure we all have our favorite sections that we are currently reading or have bookmarked. There are too many!

That could be a good way to celebrate the amazing body of work of Joseph. And of course some real live conversation that transpires could help us just be humans around the digital conspiracy camp fire.

Always open to suggestions.

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Speaking of vidchats, I am starting my rehab next week, and just getting over the bad effects on my voice, so I am thinking of starting up the vidchat schedule sometime in February. This won’t be the same as the old schedule and will probably by two, perhaps three, short format vidchats per month. I may also restart the News and Views next week. We’ll see how things look, but I just wanted to let everyone know what’s on my mind for the immediate future.


Joseph, you are unstoppable.


Google Meet is a fairly simple platform to use I have a business account with this can host meetings. I’m not even a real member here yet but plan to sign up for meeting next Friday.

And you can find many on George Ann’s Byte show channel on YouTube. I have listened to these over and over.

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We are waiting patiently. Please take your time and don’t over due.

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