Video & Expanded Version Of: Will Trump's Tariffs Work?

Something to add, Vince Lanci discusses the impact of tariffs.

As Paul Craig Roberts says; the more sources of competing views, the better.
So this is recommending Tariffs, which Dr. Roberts is against.
[in top Robert’s video above].
I think Dr. Roberts makes the better case.

Lighthizer, President Trump’s former trade chief, argues [tariffs are] necessary.

60 minutes is good for finding out how “they” want you to “think”.
Think: Tariffs Are Good.

Otherwise; the top video with Dr. Roberts, is the common sense choice.
[I must admit; however, I didn’t watch the 60 minute video.]


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PCR does not really know what the Russians want as their final outcome of the war with the Ukraine.

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I think he, more or less; plays to an " popular audience".
He’s more realistic, in his “policy to reality” speculations.
For instance, he was saying that Trump was using this tariff strategy as a bluff.
To give “face” to those who would react tough; than fall into place.

His Russia stance is very critical of Putin. He believed Putin had the upper hand and should have used force, without hesitation. To strike when the iron’s hot!

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Should have saved the RT article but I believe it was 1) the Ukraine will NEVER be allowed to join NATO, 2) the 5 mostly Russian speaking regions of the Ukraine will be allowed to join, or integrate into Russia. Can not remember the other terms.

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Rings true.
Dr. Farrell has the best handle…
on why the West won’t understand nor make peace with Russia.

Just an observance … I was listening to the Mike Adams broadcast that came in email today. Not that I put much into what he says, but he appeared to be channeling Dr. Farrell on the second helicopter crash. He said that was the cover story. He thinks it was a Russian warning, the kind Dr. Farrell talks about.

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The more one looks into that’ the deeper the rabbit hole.
Latest is the woman pilot was a Biden former aide.
And yes, the Russians have said they would extend their like-responses

  • horizontally; drone for drone, bot for bot[so-to-speak].
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Well, it is probably also due to being unable to fully exterminate the nazi religion. As many of us understand it is virtually impossible to fully extinguish a ‘belief system’.

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Well put!
Russia knows the Nazis well.
Especially, those in DC.
In fact, globalization strongly resembles their ideology.[IMO]