Vimeo player -paid version

Heya Gizars.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Is there by any chance anyone of you who have tried the paid verdion of Vimeo?
I have a lot of problem with playbacks of Joseph’s vidchats.
It skips parts, loop parts or just stop playing all together.
I see the paid version comes with the option of downloading the stream, but have anyone tried this, and does it solve the problem?

Have tried vimeo pro in the past, not sure if that would help with the current problems. Last vid-chat cut out a few times, that would probably not be any different with a paid vimeo subscription.

Being able to download whole presentation would only help if problems are on your side.

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No, problems during the recording is not possible to fix of course.
I was thinking of the players stability for downloaded footage.
If it downloads it as one sequence, it wont need to update the stream.
But thank you!
Have a nice day