Wallenberg's role in the WEF via puppet politicians!

Magdalena Andersson is married to Rickard Friberg, who holds a Wallenberg professorship. Magda sat in the WEF, IMF and represents nothing but a corrupt political backstage…

So anyone who thinks Klaus Schwabb controls anything in the WEF World Economic Forum is mistaken!

Adolf Lundin was the son of the chemist Harry Lundin and the brother of the head of KSI, Bertil Lundin.[2] His mother Maria Lundin, née von Wagner, was born into a German-speaking family in Odessa. His uncle Willy von Wagner died in 1943 on behalf of Germany during the occupation of Norway.[3] He was married to Eva Lundin, née Wehtje, who belonged to the family that controlled Skånska Cement; her sister was married to Marc Wallenberg. Lundin was the father of Ian H. Lundin and Lukas H. Lundin.

At the end of 1950 he searched in vain for oil in Colombia for Shell. Through his father-in-law Walter Wehtje, he got a job in the early 1960s at Ax:son Johnson-owned Nynäs Petroleum.

Criticism of Lundin’s operations

In 1984, the Swedish media drew attention to the fact that Lundin, despite the ongoing UN boycott against the apartheid regime in South Africa, mined gold in the country. “I don’t understand the Swedish rage against this beautiful country” was Lundin’s comment.[6] In 1996, Lundin entered the war-torn Congo-Kinshasa as the main owner of the company Tenke Mining. The United Nations blacklisted the company, which it said “plundered the country of its natural resources” and accused Sweden’s government of “being complicit if action is not taken”.[7] “There is so much oil and the country is working and everyone smells of peace”,[7] Lundin said in connection with his choice not to sell his company’s last remaining oil concession in civil war Sudan. His company had previously been heavily criticized for doing business with the dictatorial regime in Khartoum, which was said to have exacerbated the conflict, including by burning down villages and displacing residents to make way for a road.[8][9]

#WorldEconomicForum #Wallenberg #Lundin #deepstate


Condemning not so nice actions and deeds is a must do for all major players, dong nothing about it is too.

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Thinking you may have this right. Read something recently about Sweds and Erickson and all. If I could remember where I saw it, I would post it here for your reading enjoyment.

Merry Christmas.

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The text that is marked translates to “Less known is that he founded the world economic forum, that today plays a big role in geopolitics comparable to the UN.”


And another fun fact is that Klaus Schwabs dad sold heavy machinery to the Wallenbergs for their heavy water production.
That heavy water later went to the Manhattan Project.(But they also gave the germans various funding and tech for their research at the same time)
Aka playing both sides etc.

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