Inside a two-story brick building in Medellín, Colombia, scientists work in muggy labs breeding 30 million genetically modified mosquitoes weekly in labs. They tend to the insects’ every need as they grow from larvae to pupae to adults, keeping the temperature just right and feeding them generous helpings of fishmeal, sugar, and, of course, blood. They are then released into the wild in 11 countries.
The start of a dystopian sci-fi novel.
Michael Crichton would have ripped these headlines apart in a book and/or screenplay.
The living quackcine delivery system, 30 million syringes a week. Each capable of manufacturing exponentially more. Experimenting w/unknown diseases and potentially new unknown vectors.
The question isn’t what can go wrong? That answer is in the billions.
The question is, Will anything go right? And that answer is resounding negative.
Why then do it?
That answer is one word. Eugenics.
Just got Jurassic World Dominion from the library.
Will look at special effects and see what frame this movie is set in.
The tag line for the series fits the above article: “Life will find a way”.
Finished movie and plot is about scientists that secretly breads genetically engineered locusts;
that in-turn, threatens to starve the world in-the-blink of an eye.
Of course, one of the “bad” scientist; turns “good”, and is now going to “solve” the problem they caused. Does he have time? Does he really have a solution? Look for the next Jurassic of the series. Will the world starve? Will the good scientist save the last of mankind, the 1/2 billion left?
Stay tuned. Or, as Ralph Nader might says, “Become politically active, or become radioactive”.
These must be like the one’s biting me.
The mosquito has been a nemesis of mankind since forever.
In many wars between civilizations; it has been the mosquito armies, who were the deciding factor.
The famous Haitian Revolution[1791-1804], was won by the indigenous native tribe - the mosquitos.
[Or, an infamous revolution; if one were Mr. Global.]
This current Bael Gates mosquito plan is one that is counting on “failure by design”.
In this case, nature is the house; and the continuous roll of genetic dice, are not going to favor man over mosquito - in any kind of crap shoot - especially, in the long game.
Completely transhumanist approach to life. Mankind can engineer species better than God. It’s the new religion and the offer of a false “immortality” with genetically engineered parts and brain entrainment, designer humans and loss of human spirituality. The addition of altered genes into humans creates legal questions of what is human and who has “human rights.” Crichton’s book Next addresses. I’ll never forget his descriptions of the fish and creatures in oceans and other bodies of water having been genetically altered to blink marketing in neon. We’re THERE!
It really makes me wonder what America’s favorite serial killer Bill is really up to with his mosquitos. Does he use them to spread diseases West Nile, Zika, Malaria? Could he program them to do others tasks? We know there is nothing humanitarian about anything he does.
@yyyyythats6ys I recall reading somewhere that mosquitos could be a fax-scene delivery platform. Makes sense, given the history of that benevolent investor.