Was Giza and other megalithic sites a giant, worldwide, geomagnetic and climate stabilization system?

So, me and my friend were talking about Joseph P Farrell’s books, two of which he just read. Then I went and showed him Carmen Boulter’s Pyramid Code from 2010 where in episode II they were talking about the electrical and magnetic properties of Ley Lines, The Pyramids, and other megalithic structures around the world, which all seem to line up. But then this made me think of a video I had watched earlier today where Astrum was talking about Magnetic Polar Reversal, the ensuing instability in the Earth’s magnetic field, and it’s temporary collapse down to 10% of it’s field strength, and corresponding climate mayhem and animal extinctions. This then got me thinking:

Could the building of these ancient monuments have been all part of some grand geomagnetic engineering system to stabilize the Earth’s magnetic field and thus reduce climactic disturbances?

Watch these two videos back to back and you’ll see what I mean:


I think if one wants to argue for such a mega-engineering project - and I’m inclined to think the sites on Earth DO represent such a project (for whatever purpose) – then I think one has to maintain a similar argument for such sites OFF planet, and that one might be looking at a system-wide project of some sort. To do what, I do not know, but Eando Pinder’s “Puzzle of the Space Pyramids” has an intriguing hypothesis that I incline to.


One needs to take into account the work Billy Carson of 4biddenknowledge has done. It would be wonderful if someone with more ‘smarts’ than I have could take all these peoples’ work & synthesize it!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I am pretty sure the owner of this website would be the one to accommodate that request.

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Let’s hope so!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

tried to watch it…obtrusive background soundtrack detracts from the content. Can’t take it. I’m being American centric of course but most of the narration seems to be with either an Egyptian or English accent. All fine there, but lay a soundtrack over that and it’s hard to pick out. Not sure why they do this…is the content so weak they have to peanutbutter soundtrack sauce over it to cover it’s shortcomings? I guess it was made to sell, and soundtrack sizzle trumps quality content thoughtfully presented.

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