Early Fall 2023, I recall a very strong rumor being reported that ‘The U.S. border was closing’. Rumors are not unusual but this particular one seemed to be advertised more broadly, thus, a huge push from south of Mexico began. When looking at the timing of these migrant caravans, the average travel time from various Central American countries, mostly on-foot, takes up to 90 days. Lo and Behold, look at the number of migrants now arriving at border crossings… Just in time.
A couple of weeks ago, Gov. Abbott of TX starts running his mouth as if he’s actually going to do something useful (not) with State troops and try to stem the flow of these caravans. Beforehand, sending buses filled with migrants to northern States and again, acting like he’s actually making a statement in favor of The People of Texas. IMO, Abbott was ‘ordered’ to take these actions, which helps TPTB pre-position workers for the biggest build-out blitz The U.S. has seen in 100 years! Who ordered Abbott to do this? CORPORATIONS involved in this build-out of the newly passed Infrastructure Bill, which is the North American BRI!
The Plan for The Texas Triangle High Speed Rail and the peripherals surrounding it is probable one of, if not, the biggest build-out of The US portion of BRI. You can bet that Abbott, State legislators, County Judges, Commissioners, City Mayors and anyone else involved in permitting, etc. are making a fortune on this in a number of different forms, including stock, options, etc. I’ve seen this before, although on a smaller scale, during the Mercury missions days, in which my uncle ‘took an active part’. (Like the idiot he was, he settled for too little.)
Building a workforce this large is like building an army. Whether this workforce will act as an armed force against us later is yet to play out but, for purposes of discussion, let’s look at just a few basic indicators. Keep in mind that in Texas alone, we’re looking at up to about 500K workers; too early to be more precise.
- The US lawmakers pass the largest Infrastructure Bill in history.
- Not enough young, strong men in US and Canada to physically build-out that infrastructure.
- Laws changed to make it legal to bring in personnel, via Mexican border, regardless of their country of origin, per USMCA.
- Workers likely to be paid minimum wage and housed in govt/military type facilities. (Skilled labor paid more.)
- Workers accustomed to living and working without air conditioning, although heat will be needed in late season.
- Food shortages for general population possibly due to govt hoarding for Workers. (Ex. - Egg shortage in mid-2023, became scarce, then, made available to public again. Enough powdered eggs for now?)
- Large amounts of crude oil moved from SPR to refineries along Gulf Coast. (Not going to Ukraine support, Folks.)
There’s more to the list but you get the idea.
Review this previous Instagram from Eagle Pass. Those being housed are NOT unskilled workers, nor those appointed to attack us directly but, most likely those deemed higher skilled? Unskilled seem to be ‘dumped on the sidewalks’.
Yes, I am guessing but it makes sense. It just makes sense! Too big for the covert, therefore, doing this right in front of us and diverting our attention toward garbage that is blatant BS. Because, we’re STUPID!