Was Gov. Abbott "Ordered" to Close The Texas Border? If So, By Whom? Biden doing it now for optics

Early Fall 2023, I recall a very strong rumor being reported that ‘The U.S. border was closing’. Rumors are not unusual but this particular one seemed to be advertised more broadly, thus, a huge push from south of Mexico began. When looking at the timing of these migrant caravans, the average travel time from various Central American countries, mostly on-foot, takes up to 90 days. Lo and Behold, look at the number of migrants now arriving at border crossings… Just in time.

A couple of weeks ago, Gov. Abbott of TX starts running his mouth as if he’s actually going to do something useful (not) with State troops and try to stem the flow of these caravans. Beforehand, sending buses filled with migrants to northern States and again, acting like he’s actually making a statement in favor of The People of Texas. IMO, Abbott was ‘ordered’ to take these actions, which helps TPTB pre-position workers for the biggest build-out blitz The U.S. has seen in 100 years! Who ordered Abbott to do this? CORPORATIONS involved in this build-out of the newly passed Infrastructure Bill, which is the North American BRI!

The Plan for The Texas Triangle High Speed Rail and the peripherals surrounding it is probable one of, if not, the biggest build-out of The US portion of BRI. You can bet that Abbott, State legislators, County Judges, Commissioners, City Mayors and anyone else involved in permitting, etc. are making a fortune on this in a number of different forms, including stock, options, etc. I’ve seen this before, although on a smaller scale, during the Mercury missions days, in which my uncle ‘took an active part’. (Like the idiot he was, he settled for too little.)

Building a workforce this large is like building an army. Whether this workforce will act as an armed force against us later is yet to play out but, for purposes of discussion, let’s look at just a few basic indicators. Keep in mind that in Texas alone, we’re looking at up to about 500K workers; too early to be more precise.

  1. The US lawmakers pass the largest Infrastructure Bill in history.
  2. Not enough young, strong men in US and Canada to physically build-out that infrastructure.
  3. Laws changed to make it legal to bring in personnel, via Mexican border, regardless of their country of origin, per USMCA.
  4. Workers likely to be paid minimum wage and housed in govt/military type facilities. (Skilled labor paid more.)
  5. Workers accustomed to living and working without air conditioning, although heat will be needed in late season.
  6. Food shortages for general population possibly due to govt hoarding for Workers. (Ex. - Egg shortage in mid-2023, became scarce, then, made available to public again. Enough powdered eggs for now?)
  7. Large amounts of crude oil moved from SPR to refineries along Gulf Coast. (Not going to Ukraine support, Folks.)

There’s more to the list but you get the idea.

Review this previous Instagram from Eagle Pass. Those being housed are NOT unskilled workers, nor those appointed to attack us directly but, most likely those deemed higher skilled? Unskilled seem to be ‘dumped on the sidewalks’.

Yes, I am guessing but it makes sense. It just makes sense! Too big for the covert, therefore, doing this right in front of us and diverting our attention toward garbage that is blatant BS. Because, we’re STUPID!


Here is the petition to the SCT regarding activities at Eagle Pass.
Texas fence blocks border patrol. USG claims it needs to protect migrants.

Interesting hypotheses…

@aurajenn Thank you for posting a copy of the petition.

Yep, seems to be going as planned.

‘They’ have all the workers needed now and shutting down the entry. Recently encountered a group of Mexican workers who were here with work visas and had to go back to Mexico last week to get renewed. They were worried that they might not be allowed to return to U.S. All the squalling about ‘illegals’ and this small group came here legally. In this case, I truly hope they make it back; but then, who knows what they’ll face when they get here? Yes sirry, Gov. Abbott has followed his orders.

Watching northern US States and Canada… and TX Triangle areas. Going to be interesting.

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While the thesis presented here may appear compelling in order to prevent a full-scale ethnic conflict, it does not preclude the possibility of migrants serving as a law enforcement tool for the regime. However, I do hope the above thesis is correct.

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It was not my intent to eliminate any additional reason(s) why migrants are north of Mexico border. It is my intent to point out there is likely more than one agenda in play for having them here. Could be several reasons, in fact. The NA BRI is not even a concept among alternatives, nor are migrants as a workforce. Needs to be considered, as it’s pretty much in our faces, if you look at a number of facts/indicators.

With regard to police in particular, migrants will probably have their own police force where ever they’re stationed; Indian reservations here have theirs. Those police will have to be trained and experienced to perform the job. Just a thought. Not saying it’s absolute.

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The other possibility to explain the migrant surge is to impact the 2030 census.


Oh, yes Ma’am; that’s certainly a possibility.

Feds suit against Texas demands deadline, ‘by Wednesday, Jan. 17…’; guessing they mean midnight, tonight.

The other possibility is to create disruptions which increase North American integration. This would be part of separating from Asia and building labor force connections and supply chains and markets in the Americas. I know not all migrants are western, the diversity is meant to dilute USA culture so as to better refit the hemisphere.


I also think once a certain amount of migration occurs the culture change becomes irreversible and an osmosis of change dynamics is like a slowly rising tide. The balancing of equities between the prosperous western societies and the poor regions is mostly good if there is a focus on assimilation. The political question is who bears the cost.


Sorry for the series. But has anyone noticed there are more men than women migrating in. Who will marry these men? Are these men going to get UN issued robot wives? But seriously.


The more I learn about this, the more I tend to concentrate on certain aspects. IMO, the idea is to CONNECT with Asia, not leave it behind, while at the same time, integrating No. America (NA). The big giveaway with regard to Asia is Maui. As I mentioned in other threads, I think western Maui will be a major mid-Pacific port (with the 15-min. city).

Yes, culture change becomes irreversible and we, the taxpaying citizens will bear the cost. The corporations will glean trillions.

Yes, there are far more men than women, as should be the case when a build-out occurs. It’s my belief, until proven otherwise, that they are here to build-out the Infrastructure Plan. There just aren’t enough men with skills in all of NA to do this who are fit to do the work. With regard to marriage, many are already married and will no doubt be allowed leave. Being a native Texan and spending a lot of time in the southern part of the State, I’ve seen this repeatedly; they send money home, they go home to visit, etc. This is the Mexican nationals, which is what USMCA is about. The Mexican nationals will be given first consideration for jobs, housing, food, per The Agreement.

I saw a graph yesterday of migrants from different countries and when the trips north started in 2019 (USMCA signed 2018) it was almost all Mexican nationals entering. By end of 2023, nationals from other countries outpaced Mexicans, just about the time Abbott called the closure. Very telling IMO. It’s entirely possible the govt. messed up in the way they wanted to attract Mexicans across the border and ended up attracting everyone else along with them.

How exactly the other nationals will be handled, I don’t know but bet Trump, or the next POTUS knows. He might have others rounded up and deported, keeping his promise and taut USMCA as a reason to keep Mexicans. He has to do this because of The Agreement. I’m convinced Biden’s 4-yr. stint was planned and Trump knew about it and the open border was a major part of Bidens assignment.

If The Agreement is broken with regard to Mexico, the entire Plan falls apart. They’re not going to let that happen. Mexico will be a new or, additional, Taiwan.

This was all very well planned and executed.

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Key fact is whether border patrol was just letting people through or escorting migrants to processing centers.

Full ct of appeals case will be heard February 7

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Lots of people here really don’t care about what candy border patrol is doing.
Care about SCOTUS over-ruling what we consider a State Right.
Another shot across the bow.

The border patrol has a right to access the border but they do not have a right to negligently allow the migrants to move freely, they have to be detained. I look forward to reading the full ct of appeals case when it is decided.

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I was just going to say much the same.
While BP can cut wire, it does not mean TX has to let migrants through; they can find other ways to stop them coming in. Get inventive. If it comes down to a literal face-off, I’m reminded of what Bill Cooper said, “Whomever fires the first shot eventually loses”.

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