"We Used to Know How to do This" (from ancient times up through WWII) or "Can Don't!" Every WWII Seabee is rolling over in their grave

If only they had consulted some massive AI for some DIY building instructions … tsk, tsk, tsk,

… on the other hand:

ANTARCTICA added to the Seabee’s list of accomplishments:

  • Tractor train traverses covering hundreds of miles.
  • Bases built:
    McMurdo Station
    South Pole Station
    Byrd Station
    Palmer Station
    Siple Station
    Ellsworth Station
    Brockton Station
    Eights Station
    Plateau Station,
    Hallett Station, and
    Little America IV and Little America V stations
  • MCB 1s construction of a nuclear power plant (167)
    (Seabee - Wikipedia) for which they received a Navy Unit Commendation.
  • NMCB 71s construction of a Buckminster Fuller Geodesic Dome at So. Pole Station. It became a symbolic icon of the United States Antarctic Research Program (USARP).

That’s right folks, you read that correctly, BUILT A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT in Antarctica.

… and lastly, as we are won’t to do it seems, constantly reinventing the wheel (see recent activities related to “going back” to the moon for a myriad of examples) …

Perfectly good WWII “Wheel” v Gaza Pier … you decide …

Hmmmm … what could one have done with 230 million USD? Maybe we need to begin mandatory disclosure of exactly who (as in NAMES) and the AMOUNT (in USD or bitcoin or whatever “commodity” with which they were compensated) they received as a result of these kinds of government contracts. Just sayin’

I wonder …

Hello Boys and Girls … Can you say GAZA PIER DEBACLE? … Good, I knew you could.


Got to love this! Thank you @Scarmoge ! Their Plans are ever changing.

Follow Up to the above …
22 June 2024


Thank you for posting this! Will see what happens next.

… we all know what happens next … "A few Quadrillion virtual fiat dollars here, a few Quadrillion virtual fiat dollars there, and pretty soon you’re talking about real non-existent money.” - a contemporary quoteflation adjustment to an oft attributed quote, but never really ever said (according to the Dirksen Congressional Center in Pekin, Illinois), by Sen Everett Dirksen.

Everything else is “inflating” into non-reality, why should what someone allegedly said, but in reality did not, be exempt from this phenomena? … “Quoteflation” yet another truly U.A.P. (Unidentifed Anomalous Phenomena (not Aerial, Aerial is just the camel’s nose under the tent flap). In case one hasn’t noticed, beginning with “our most recent unpleasantness”, Reality itself has become one giant cluster U.A.P.

Welcome to the world of Mass Dissociation. There are three main dissociative disorders, as listed in the DSM-5. They are Dissociative Identity Disorder, Dissociative Amnesia, and Depersonalization / Derealization Disorder. See any of these lately? If not, I can guarantee that one or more of them will soon, as they say, be coming to a neighborhood near you (actually meaning yours).

A sample of some fun, associated readings to hopefully bring about some fun, associated thought and observation:

… material on Pierre Janet … turns out there is a relation between dissociation, trauma (can you say “our most recent unpleasantness”?, my term of choice for this phenomena has become Iatrogenic Social Trauma), and … wait for it … wait for it … schizophrenia. Has there been any observation of social plasma creep along these lines of late?

Adams, J.K. - Laboratory studies of behavior without awareness. Psychological Bulletin, 54 , 383-405. (1957)

Kubie, L.S. - Is Preventive Psychiatry Possible? Daedalus, Fall 1959, Vol. 88, No. 4., 646-668.

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After 125+ years of studying human psychology the “experts” have pretty much figured out what buttons to push and the effects on mental and physical health.
Love this one, critical thinking is a mental disorder?:joy:

People who are diagnosed with depersonalization also often experience an urge to question and think critically about the nature of reality and existence.

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