Weather update artic cold

Shiloh and I thank everyone for asking how we’re doing. Like everyone else in the country struggling with this arctic blast, we’re muddling through. I DID manage to get my car battery jumper to work, and get the car started, and went to get an engine block heater, which the auto parts store ordered but when I came back to pick it up, naturally it had not arrived when they said it would. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll e able to get the car started again to pick it up. I’m MOST worried about the water and when and how it will come back on. I’m hoping and praying the pipes are still intact and that it will be soon. After last year’s storm, tree damage and porch repair I don’t need any more big bills. None of us do. It’s so cold here my little Shiloh does NOT want to stay outside long at all, yet she begs to go out and doesn’t seem to remember how cold it is. Hope and pray all of you out there struggling through the cold are ok.


You are in my prayers.