Webster Tarpley Lecture, Venetian Black Nobility, Falsification of Science/History

“The Financial Vipers of Venice” by Joseph P Farrell dovetails nicely with this lecture that centers around science fraud and the Black Nobility’s ongoing operations to control the narrative through science or lack thereof. They seem to suppress important scientists’ work while plagiarizing them to prop up their Frauds that end up in our history books. This is a recipe for a “breakaway civilization” that would seek to thrust most people back into a state of “primitive life” devoid of technology, while they, in the future, would hold the keys to cutting edge tech, which always forms the spear head of an economy. This is the same money power that has depopulation agendas, views most people as soulless, and dabbles in weird, occult, outdated “magic” that is anything but science and has little to do with the native European culture where they reside. Davos anyone?


Where do you think much of the Venetian stuff Dr. Farrell talks about comes from? Tarpley was probably the first to look at the Venetian’s sinister influence throughout history. Tarpley’s lectures are great. There’s a paper on his website about the Venetians that is great, although there isn’t much citation in it. Another lecture that’s very entertaining is his lecture on Deconstructionism/post modernism. I would highly recommend checking that stuff out.


Great post, thank you for the video and information. New to me as I am relatively new to Dr Farrell’s work.


recently read babylon’s banksters
dr farrell pulls a heavy 3 paragraphs from Tarpley’s speech "the palmerston zoo"
read-able here or in the larouche EIR report rag

watchable as the speech itself in poor quality here

this was a new guy for me so i dug a little. speech itself was the opener for a whole conference with different presenters all here [Feb 1994 Speech by W. Tarpley to Schiller Institute Conference] but unfortunately the video links don’t work.

there is also Tarpley’s own site where he has it in a book of collected speeches and writings but a bunch of dead links there too
[Against Oligarchy « TARPLEY.net]


Good find. I’ve heard and read a lot of his writings. His chronology of radicalism is right on the money based on other sources I’ve already read.