Good Lawgic
I remember name calling in grade school days. It was a way to pick on someone different compared to the majority of classmates. So calling normal behavior weird is actually weird.
“Keep Austin Weird”. Just saying…
Well it does make good advertising copy…I’ve never troubled myself to visit Austin the whole time I’ve lived in Texas so really don’t know what’s meant by weird. To me weird is another word for free spirit…Austin seems weird now though….
Wired to the wall
I rarely hear Austin being mentioned for good reasons.
Not anymore. It was what I’d call eclectic since there seemed a since of free spiritedness among folks left over from the 1960’s era. The South used to let folks be, no issues with “different ways”, eccentricity was a way of living. I suppose the original meaning of weird as “fate” would apply, “That’s just the way they are.”