This week is an unusual week, as far as my blogging goes, because as I pointed out on Monday with my blog about the Space Force considering part-time jobs and Space Force National Guards, I was not initially sure I was even going to talk about it. But the more I thought about it, the…


Solar panels, iPads, iPhones were also exploding in Lebanon. There is a software backdoor because the phone shuts down if the battery get near explosion. Android devices are probably affected too.

The Solar panels blowing up is however proof that its not tiny explosives in a pager plant


And its an Israeli operation. A special elite unit got a very important commander killed in a Hezbollah attack and they retaliated by using tech that they should perhaps not have shown (proving the IDF is run from outside Israel its in US/UK).

The Mossad brilliant job was more the coverup story.


[NOTE: Post edited throughout 09/25/2024]

My high school electronics teacher was the first to introduce me to the phrase, “You can’t get blood from a turnip.” Power line transients are induced, meaning they: 1) must have an energy source (in the old days, typically just lightning); and 2) develop and dissipate at the source; and 3) propagate across connected conductors (high voltage wires), both downstream (to households through step-down transformers) and upstream (toward the utility supply). Utilities have circuit interrupting components in their switchgear to protect the supply side of things. They also have line analyzing equipment that monitors voltage, frequency, current, etc. I don’t keep a low ear to the ground but have not heard even one instance of a PG&E (California utility) control room employee commenting about the weird spikes seen when neighborhoods and homes burned.

My point? –induced power spikes would be difficult to deliver selectively and secretly. A high-joule power source would be needed.

Yes they can. Previous generation of remote-control consumer technology for homes made use of modulated “signals and information.” A purchased control module superimposed low-amplitude control signals onto incoming 60-hertz power waveforms which essentially broadcast them across existing wiring to companion outlets and junction boxes. This facilitated automated operation of various loads (lights, outlets, etc.) without rewiring the home. The technology has waned in favor of wireless smart devices that accomplish the same and even more.

That said, these modulating signals are very small and thus incapable of inducing heat sufficient to start fires.

My money is on the smart meter. We already know that smart meters are two-way communication devices (as they can be remotely disconnected by the utility) and many now are 5G devices.

I previously speculated (here) about smart meters having some sort of short-circuit mechanism (controlled by an external signal) that would cause a fire using the AC power itself. That speculation now falls short in light of the exploding batteries event and the power grid implications described by Dr. Farrell in this post.

You see, smart meters too, have lithium batteries. No need for an internal shorting mechanism. So, either by modulating signals on incoming AC power lines or by a 5G source, smart meters can be controlled. Question is, are they also programmed to explode on command?

This has become quite scary.

@Bahri had very, very good advice:


Interesting Is possible that it could make solar panel installation explode? Because I’ve heard stories about that happening in Lebanon.

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I wondered about the solar panels too. Likely it was storage for the system (batteries) rather than the panels themselves. How could a self destruct signal get to the charge controller and over ride it’s internal safety system? I’m thinking the systems must have had an internet connection…so the user could control it with a phone app. It’s conceivable that the software sub-routine used to manage the lithium battery in a pager was re-used in a solar panel system and the controller somehow received the same signal the pagers got. Speculation of course. Or the people responsible knew about a vulnerability in the solar systems and decided to blow them up just to create mayhem…unrelated to the pager battery control code.


I think if you think very carefully about your post, you make, rather than refute, my thinking…"“tweaking” or not.

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… short answer “Yes” … and if you look in the literature “Smart” things can be many, many things to many people.


Once again, these "new’ technologies are being merchandised to the public, on one level.
When in reality; “new/smart” technologies have built-in, stacked-operational - capabilities.
At the very least they are of a “dual-use” nature: for military and/or commercial operations.

Still, I cannot help but think there are “Cosmic Playbooks”.
At a minimum, they would have detailed chapters on how-to-build/manufacture a …[U-name-It]?
For example, a high-tech prison planet?
Or, a FTL planet[faster-than-light space travel planet]?
Or, a ring-maker planet?
Or, all the above - and/o more; than you can even begin to imagine?

Does it all depend upon the treaty-status of the solar system in question?
Which; in turn, can be sold - to others - like a financial instrument?
So past epochs, could have depended upon - "ownership[s] agendas?

Entertainment - political - commercial - experimental - etc., etc.

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Indeed, I did not intend to make your thoughts. I am sorry, it was indeed meant as refutation. Thank you kindly, sir, for the gentle note.

Interesting, this type of technology can be used instead of air power. Blow the enemy electrical systems, instead of flying aircraft’s who are susceptible to the new air defense platforms. If war in Lebanon happens, in my opinion, is something to keep an eye on, see how all these advancements are used in warfare.


velas came to the same conclusion at the same time


Great video!
Especially enjoyed the exploding cell phones/pagers part @ approx 30:00 clicks in.
Thanks for the video!

Regarding the comments to your post:

It appears that everyone is concentrating on “how” the pagers, cell phones, etc. were made to explode. I propose the more interesting topic to explore would be the “why”.

First, it is apparent that the “how” was triggered by wireless not wired communication. As to the explosive used, I think that the cleverly inserted reference to a “small explosive charge” in the device was a red herring. It is obvious that the explosive was lithium in the battery. How it was triggered was obviously a software insertion at some point either during manufacture or by update. In my opinion, it is not difficult to believe that lithium batteries can be made to explode by someone with technical skills.

I find the “why” component to be much more interesting as it obviously reveals a secret military capacity to the Hezbollah by Israeli intelligence (or for those who want Hezbollah to think it was an Israeli intelligence operation). As a general rule, intelligence agencies or military intelligence do not reveal their “secret weapons” or intelligence sources by using the secret weapon unless there is a dire need to do so. I doubt the need to take out one Hezbollah leader was worth revealing this secret weapon unless there was some larger game afoot. What larger “game” may have been afoot is worthy of some high octane speculation (which I will leave to others to explore).

However, before going down that rabbit hole, it could be that the purpose of revealing their secret weapon was precisely that — i.e. to reveal their secret weapon to Hezbollah. You may think that this is too obvious a reason. Consider the fact that news reports stated Hezbollah had recently become aware that Isreal was using the GPS features of their cell phones to track various high value targets for elimination by drone strikes. That had caused Hezbollah to switch to low tech devices for communications like pagers that did not have GPS. Perhaps, the exploding pagers was an attempt to get Hezbollah to either switch communication methods or to disrupt Hezbollah’s command and control structure. At the very least, make Hezbollah doubt the security of their communications and any orders received. All of which would have been very beneficial before the start of a major operation into Lebanon (which has not occurred).

All of which leads me to conclude that the party revealing the “secret weapon” was either not the party possessing the weapon, but another party wanting to reveal that they know about the secret weapon and can control it. In my opinion, that is a conspiracy theory worth discussing.


You’d think the why and who would be intimately connected.
You’d also think this operation was not singular; in that it’s such a BIG reveal,
that it would be highly stacked with numerous operations -
instead of just, seemingly accomplishing an obvious goal?
But au contraire - as you surmised -there is much left here unseen, and/or unsaid.


Reason for the reveal was desperation. Desperate to get USA etc support in an environment when increasingly the population is re-thinking unquestioned support of whatever IS

Whatever IS does. (hit the wrong key and sent). If things continue, and if DJT gets in power again, Net n yahoo knows he’s done for. They need Hezbollah to make them look like pitiful victims so they can keep pressing on their war / territory expansion.

Electrical engineer and first-rate oddity, Eric Dollard makes the case for this EXACT systematic reconfiguration of the power grid in the following work: " The Electrical Utility in a Digital Age & Revival of the Science of Electricity in the Digital Age"

Summarized here:

  "The issue of the Chinese-Israeli domination of critical infrastructure is worse than one imagines simply by assessing the technological interface of Israeli cyber-crime with the electrical grid, or public utilities.  A deleterious series of mandates by the R.E.A (Rural Electrification Administration), throughout the last 3 decades has destroyed the integrity of the electrical grid itself, in particular the portion serving agrarian communities.  The integrity of any system is proportional to the degree to which that system is closed which assures that entry and exit of extraneous electrical forces is minimized, for example EMP weapons, or CME ejections.  
  The electrical grid in the US is and has been transitioned from an electrical configuration to an electronic (digital) configuration.  This largely for two reasons:
  1. Adoption and employment of a Wye-Wye connected distribution and transformer load configuration (in short, the use of four wires as opposed to three to connect chunks of the grid to transformer stations).

  2. The extension of a common neutral ground throughout the entire electrical grid (at minimum the West coast, Arizona, and Texas). Indicating the potential for false flag attacks and psychological operations on the entire country.

    In the digital age engineers have been replaced by software technicians and accordingly the grid is being weighed down with very clear deliberation using legislation preceding the mechanical changes to the grid, as opposed to legislation having been reactionary or antecedent of some need or impetus for changes – degradation, etc. There is also the clear strategy to change the primary form of consumer and commercial lighting from incandescent to fluorescent over the same time period, which amounts to the irradiation of all life with harmful ranges of UV radiation, generally inimical to living processes. The harmful effect of fluorescent lighting is well established.
    The conversion between A.C. and D.C., rectifiers, and inverters, is a condition of forcing something somewhere it does not belong, alternating current being primarily used for lighting and direct current primarily to power electronic devices.
    The Wye-Wye connection (#1) grew out of the need for lighting needs in urban centers requiring intense electrical loads for large buildings, totally out of balance with the intention of the early 20th century creators of the grid itself. Additionally, the old delta (3-wire and safe) configuration of the grid, which preceded the Wye-Wye configuration, makes transmitting large quantities of energy from remote wind farms and solar farms, like those littering the midwestern US, to feed the disease of urban centers, totally impossible. This presents a problem for foreign investors who intend the wind and solar collected in rural areas, to be transmitted to large cities for-profit. The Wye-Wye configuration can transmit substantially greater quantities of power but is penalized by its production of transient oscillations and dirty electricity, it is also very unstable be design.
    The transient wave form excitation being induced by the material configuration of the grid itself presents another issue: the distribution of dirty electricity goes from previously bad to the degree of severe increases of incidence of cancer, to substantially worse. That means every powerline is now a supercharged health degradation device. These changes in-turn intensify the already harmful oscillation by-products of non-native life-degrading frequencies to a barrage of chaotic frequencies, which, theoretically, considering the heavy metal content of the average person, will cause immediate discomfort, anxiety, and eventual array of metabolic syndromes. This is an Israeli-Chinese “Trojan Horse” of electronic warfare, that will have total plausible deniability considering the ongoing conflicts in the middle-east and on the Steppes of Ukraine, and of course the ever useful sloganeering around climate change.
    The common neutral ground (#2) connecting substations to consumers is akin to having the entire load of a substation jurisdiction, connected to any one electrical transformer at the utility pole outside the main feed into the home, and therefore, may also cause surges in the homes of consumers, which is a massive safety issue – and a weapon – all by design. A stray impulse may produce a surge large enough to easily kill a human being connected to conductive metal within a household or start structural fires. Considering the propensity of the Regime to utilize drones and DEW (direct energy weapon) to set nature ablaze in order to force migration and disaster capitalism, nothing claimed is even terribly hard to imagine.
    Let’s take an example of the use of a nuclear induced EMP (hint: do we know of any rogue nations nuclear weapons – and what do you know about the Sampson Option?). An EMP, irrespective of the origin, would turn anything resembling an electromagnetic boundary condition into an antenna – large systems of powerlines in this case, causing a massive back-surge of energy both in the direction of the nearest substation and the nearest human dwelling. Considering the entire grid is being connected with a common neutral ground, that energy will NOT merely stop at the transformer windings in a substation but will continue via the common ground and Wye-Wye connected windings, and on to the homes of consumers. This makes an electrical surge a weapon of genocidal proportion – whether the impulse is delivered by the sun or a non-state actor. Imagine a surge of millions of volts charging every single piece of metal in a consumer home and imagine an arc from such a surge leaping from a microwave to a human. In short, every single home in the path of these grid reconfigurations has been rendered a lightning rod in the event of an EMP, or even lighting strike.
    This configuration has been arranged deliberately using the law. In other words, among the attempts to kill Americans will be and EMP blamed upon Russia, China, or CME (coronal mass ejection) which will decimate rural homes, farms, and lives – adding to the total chaos that has been engineered at present. Leaving the Regime’s patented disaster capitalism methodology, to pick up the pieces, which equates to acquisition of hard assets for pennies on the dollar. You thought vaccines were bad? Ha!
    In the electronic age an ever-increasing requirement of energy via urban areas necessitates the Regime moving energy utilization out of rural areas and into cities whereupon it can be tightly managed and rationed. The major push to get the goyim off the land by destroying the livelihoods of farmers, ranchers, and small business is clear (inflation, sanctions, false flag pandemics et al., petroleum, and fertilizer shortages, etc.). This is totally in line with the transition to UN smart cities and the total usurpation of food production, which according the Henry Kissinger equates to total control.
    The entire electrical utility system is undergoing a retrograde conversion, from what was an interlocked and contiguous tri-phase system into a continuous trio of single-phase systems. Moreover, the transformer windings are being physically manufactured (in China) to be bonded at neutral points. To reiterate, this bypasses the safety features of the transformer station, and allows for the ceaseless propagation of harmonics, parasitic oscillations, and transients. I’m willing to wager the construction contracts and the go-between for this entire process is being managed by Israeli firms on US gov. contracts, while the material is manufactured in China – all with complicity across multiple presidential cabinets.
    The digitized technocratic scheme of net-neutral carbon by the total removal of fossil fuels cannot be realized if both massive urban centers and rural agrarian areas continue to draw ever-increasing quantities of energy. The fantasy of the electrical car and green economy can only be realized by depopulating the agrarian communities, either by force, or by an induced catastrophic and irreversible damage to the life-supporting systems of electrical power."


As designed.
No doubt; Posthumans will dovetail radiantly, in this new version of the 1918 invisible rainbows -
as if they were all - on torqued to the limit steroids.

Forget net zero. That ship has sailed. Gotta love Zionist infatuation with genocide, Davos just saw all top oil and gas producers walk away from these machinations because of that. China has re-adjusted accordingly.

I see a tartaria re-emergance scenario. One of Freemasonry’s recurring themes has been Atlantis vs Tartaria. It didn’t need to happen but Albert Pike’s shadow is all over US politics and might have created a self fulfilling prophecy.

Maybe Gog and Magog war dispensationalist idiots have “helped” getting us here as well.

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