What Gnosticism ultimately leads to

Time to behead “Esau”. This is a very good blog to understand the force behind the current wars we see today. Its written by the messianic folks themselves you can browse and perhaps try to understand some of the bizarre ideas being conveyed there.

They took down this specific post but just you know. The Cathars, the Templars and many others were targeted for messianic dispensationalism. This apocalyptic craze always looks for the lost and confused this is how the neo-paganisation of the west lead to it being recruited for these crazy endeavors. And of course the Baptists are the current incarnation of that:


Alternatively you can become a commie (not the “woke left” version, the authentic one):

Needless to say this nonsense is a heresy even within Judaism, and has its roots in Tengrism. But that’s a topic for another post. For those who can read French Tenrgrism is a very interesting belief system with the goal of global religion of toleance (liberalism):



Also the secret eschatological thinking behind the holocaust. Nazis are descendants of the templars with the cross of Malta and thus crazy eschatological people too.

Nothing makes sense here. Which is why the pagan-satanic spiritual confusion never fails to create a nasty counter-reaction. Weimar Germany being a case.

@beaver: this is the buildup to the heavenly Jerusalem project in Ukraine that you made that very good thread about.

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I beg to differ. Malta order was always in opposition to Templars. Templars went rough. Order of Hospitallers is keeping tabs on papacy and vice versa.

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Cathars heresy was nothing else than messianic slavery scheme. Located in part of France and Spain that was rich in inexpensive extraction of gold and salt from many lagunes of Mediterranean. That brought merchants from everywhere and jumpstarted anther currency of the time: textiles.
Templars and their boughed and paid local lords needed cheap labor in fabric factories hence invention of Cathars. These people were working for nothing for so called “greater glory of God”

The scheme later was repeated during advent of Protestantism and brought us another famous saying “protestant work ethics”

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The ones currently in Malta, the official ones yes. I agree. But the historical Templar beg to differ as they will wear the Maltese cross like what the cross burning KKK did. Nazis wore that iconography for the same reasons. They believe they are the legitimate ones. They did horrible things to the Teutonic knights remnants while using their iconography in propaganda posters?

But yes you’re right to bring that up its true.

This is why they ARE Mr Global. That’s what I meant by Gnosticism leading towards these cults. Deceptions, the devil imitating god. But thanks for the further details, I would add the puritans among that category.

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