What if God revealed this to you, what would your response or reaction be

Relationship has been replaced by religion.

The Spirit has been replaced by a book.

The Living Word has been replaced by the written word.

The Truth as a person has been replaced by theological and doctrinal belief systems.

Hearing My voice has been replaced by studying a book.

The truth of the cross that has reconciled creation has been distorted into a lie that has excluded creation.

The perfect picture of love has been twisted to express penal, retributive punishment and torment.

The love so perfectly displayed for My children and My creation in the self-sacrifice and offering of My Son has been distorted into a disgusting image of cosmic child abuse.

Love that brings life has been perverted into hateful punishment that brings death.

The correction and refining that purifies in fire has been replaced by eternal conscious torment.

The Perichoresis of a relational loving God has been replaced by Augustinian theology of an angry God.

Loving, substitutionary atonement has been replaced by penal, retributive atonement.

Restoration has been replaced by punishment.

Testing has been replaced by torment.

Repentance has become re-penance instead of the renewal of the mind.

The wages of sin have become eternal punishment instead of death.

The cross has become penal instead of restorative.

Love has been replaced by anger.

The grave has been replaced by Hell.

The Spirit has been replaced by the letter.

The torn veil of the temple has been replaced by the mediatorial coverings of men.

Heaven and earth have been separated.

An open heaven has been deceptively made a closed heaven.

The literal truth of an open heaven has been replaced by analogy and metaphor.

Access to heaven through the Way, Truth and Life of Jesus, the Door, has been replaced by access through death.

The new covenant of life has been replaced by the old covenant of death.

Grace has been replaced by the law.

The faith of Jesus has been replaced by faith in Jesus.

Salvation by grace has been replaced by the salvation of works.

The heavenly priesthood of Melchizedek has been replaced by the earthly Aaronic priesthood.

Future fulfilment has replaced past fulfilment.

The end of the old covenant has been replaced by the end of the world.

The celebration and joy of love have been replaced by the tribulation of fear.

Victory has been replaced by rescue.

The restoration of all things has been replaced by the destruction of all things.

The new heavens and new earth, representing a new temple wineskin, has been replaced by the literal destruction of the world.

Parousia of presence has been replaced by parousia of coming.

Inclusion has been replaced by exclusion.

Reconciliation has been replaced by separation.

Preaching the good news of Jesus in people has been replaced by preaching the bad news of exclusion among people.

The priesthood of all believers has been replaced by the priesthood of one believer.

The bride has replaced the wife: the marriage has been made future not past.

The present New Jerusalem on earth has been replaced by a future New Jerusalem coming out of heaven.

The past resurrection has been replaced with a future resurrection.

The past judgment of the cross declaring that all are innocent has been replaced with a future judgment of only the guilty.

‘All are made alive in Christ’ [inclusive] has been replaced by ‘only those in Christ are made alive’ [exclusive].

‘All will confess Jesus as Lord’ has been replaced by ‘some will confess Jesus as Lord’.

Being ‘born from above’ has been replaced with being ‘born again’.

Being ‘born from above’ through the resurrection has been replaced by being ‘born again’ by praying a prayer of salvation.

Salvation of all by grace through the gift of Jesus’ faith has been replaced by the salvation of some by their own faith.


then u have a lot of work to do my dear Friend…