What is Josephs' reasoning behind a "beforetimes" history?


like most of you, I have been listening to podcasts by Dr. Farrell. I have also read numerous books of his. However, I have moved and cannot check for a referens. It was also a long time I read his books.


I have a question regarding Dr. Farrell’s reasoning behind a longer history than conventionally described. People like Billy Carson give claims of a much further reaching history than most historians would agree with. Would Dr. Farrell agree with him, in this perticular regard of an extended history? It is my understanding that the foundation for an extended history is chaky in Billy Carssons case as the referens for this claim is supposedly dubious as best. My questions are: Does Dr. Farrell and Billy Carsson use the same referens for an extended view of history? What referens* does Dr. Farrell use?

  • Im not looking for an actual referens, in that case I would have to look it up myself. Simply, what are his claims.

Thank you,


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There is no “simply” when it comes to J.P. Farrell. He uses so much material and has poured his lifes work into his books. It includes history, science, patristics etc in the most broad way, strung together thru analogical thinking and magical hypotheses. That is the brilliance of the man, no pigeonholing into a few boxes thru claims!

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I realize that. I love his writing, since he takes you with him in his train of thought. So, there must be a stringent connection in one of his pages. If anyone knows, please let me know.

Thank you,


That requires a lot of reading and weighing for yourself the evidence. I actually came relatively recently to Dr Farrell’s work. I am a physicist by training and a director of research at a synchrotron radiation facility. I also worked at a trading desk in finance in my mid twenties. After reading Babylon’s banksters I was hooked:

I also highly recommend Cosmographia podcast by Randall Carlson.

This video got my curiosity going on the topic the very first time:

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If only “paleoancient” is of interest to you, read his 2023 written book “The Giza Death Star Revisited”. There is no one sentence to abriviate it. The man doesn’t pin it all on a few claims, he builds thru reason!

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Awsome book Indeed. I have it too and its pretty awsome. I still recommend Babylon’s banksters for the bigger picture.

Perhaps you should present your question to Dr. Farrell at the next vidchat.

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You have written what I was thinking! Hope ? is a member.

The “Cosmic War” book is Dr. Farrell’s seminal work in the description of antediluvian history as well as “Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men.”

… instead of “beforetimes” maybe a better word / phrase would be “before or instead of (linear as we know and understand it) time”. To think in terms of “before or instead of linear time as we know and understand it” might alter the nature of the inquiry somewhat as to render it less susceptible to the strictures imposed on closed systems inquiry.


Hence the absence of repeatability and the analogy of the echo.

… yes, and see the Hari Seldon Fallacy and the attempt to abolish Chance in the Cosmos.

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