What the hell happened in Lahaina Maui Hawaii?

Cant confirm what is actually happening though…
Someone claimed it was from powerlines getting blown out.

But sure looks and sounds like something very weird.

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Good point, idk really.
But put together with other proof its plausible that it could be a video of DEW’s in action.

I downloaded a video showing some lights coming from the sky, and making things burn, even in brazil there is footage from smartphones. There is indeed this kind of weapon. THe question now is, how to defend against it? We need to put things in our roofs, that can deflect the energy

Yes, how can you defend against it? Maybe, build a completely underground home???

Somewhere I saw photos of the gutted, abandoned cars in Lahaina, with a couple of blue ones that hadn’t been damaged. I’ve only seen one video of lights coming down from the sky, and the light had a bluish tinge to me. Maybe they’ve perfected blue lasers as discussed in this article: https://optics.org/news/12/4/17 , although that doesn’t explain the small building right on the water with the red probably galvanised iron roof that was completely undamaged. What I’m saying is that something blue might be a shield, but a laser weapon could cook anything living even if so shielded because of the heat generated. Dunno. Not an expert by any means.

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I understand your argument, lasers indeed are capable of a very high heat generation, but they still are pure light, and light can be reflect, like using somekind of special mirror, do you get it?

There must be some kind of reflexive material, because, only pure energy rays, like gamma, or X-rays, cannot be reflect, at last, not with mainstream science, perhaps those guys in the black projects and breakaway civilizations can?