What the hell happened in Lahaina Maui Hawaii?

Some1 tell me did we just witness some exotic technology used to scorch this entire land as to consolidate property, suspend private property rights, land grab, push net zero polices and outcomes or perhaps run an inventory and control op and embezzle fund through disaster capitalism???

what the hell happened in Lahaina Maui Hawaii??

Hawaii wildfires burn historic town of Lahaina to the ground - BBC News


Pray for the victims - shocking devastation. As for the reasons: all of the above and some.


Yes. Check out the BRICS/BRI thread.
One of the oldest, most important port areas in the mid-Pacific now cleared.
Burn them out, flood them out, tax them out.


My best friend of over 50 years says they have small fires burning on Kauai too.

Yes that explains it as does the earlier assassination in Ecuador this week. All connected. There is also a lot of occult symbolism at work, see the second video. Been looking at gematra recently.


Death toll now over 80… meanwhile since @sharick showed the black spots of DEW focus this week, I am just praying they don’t hit us now in Central TX. We DON’T get ocean mist every day like the Hawaiian islands!


See the Texas set-up I posted about 30 mins. ago on the BRI/BRICS thread.
Seems very possible. Conditions near perfect.

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@justawhoaman @thebeaver
In Texas, “they” are currently hitting Wichita and Archer counties at the Oklahoma border…

And the northeast corner of Guadelupe county…

And apparently baking rocks in west Texas, just in case it isn’t hot enough for all y’all there.

Just like in California and Arizona…

Black dots, meaning surface temps just as hot as wind-driven brush fires on Maui but no smoke.


Thanks much. I can believe it. Except for the far eastern part of TX & parts of the coast, it’s dry as a bone.

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It’s out in the open. Article dated July 2023!

World Directed Energy Weapons Market Research Report 2023: Market to Reach $22.1 Billion by 2032

AND IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THIS YET when I sent earlier somewhere, PLEASE WATCH

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When it hit Maui, the first question was what was going on there that needed to be stopped or exposed? If you have ever been to Hawaii, the mist comes off the mountains and ocean regularly, daily. The creation of the winds (who remembers constant Pacific hurricanes with none in the east. Please show me the history) and sharick has shown us the DEWs . What were they doing? New docks? I don’t think so, convince me otherwise.


Nothing to really see in this video. Once a person understands just how easy it can be to take a video, and then in the post processing of the video virtually anything can be made to appear to be weird. Now if there were multiple videos made, by multiple witnesses, from multiple angles, and compared together with radar images, and thermal video images taken from different angles, and then compared in a thorough analysis by a panel of experts there might be some anomalies that defy a good explanation, but the video posted above is pretty much nothing important. ‘jus sayin’


What do they want with Lahaina? They want the port back! It was a premiere port since the days of Capt. Cook and earlier. It’s likely this will be treated like the Paradise, CA damage; insurance won’t pay. The land will be declared uninhabitable by govt. and govt. will take it over. Welcome to North America’s BRI, brought to you by USMCA.

They’re probably going to revamp Pearl too. Have to widen it. No need to burn anything because they already own it. Remove The Arizona; some excuse about how it’s become a danger due to pollution, etc. The Greatest Generation is about gone now so no living memories of that time. A Memorial will be set up ashore.

Two perfectly situated ports between U.S., Japan, China and all others in So. Pacific. (Russian cargo to be handled through Alaska.)

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News Conference LIVE Now:

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I just found this video which makes your point, nidster.

Wow. That is not even a good Biden mask this actor is wearing [Jim Crenshaw] on Bitchute

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Some say this was actually seen a few hours in Hawaii …This particular image however apparrently dates back to 2019 and is of a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch from Vandenberg Air force base…

Some links regarding the image…


https://twitter.com/Americanlll/status/1689727802457591809?s=20 [https://www.reddit.com/media?


Im sure we all have some collective “directed energy” to the question…

What the hell happened in Lahaina Maui Hawaii???

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There’s a ridge that’s been sitting over the Pacific with sinking air causing numerous storms that’s about to abate and move into The Atlantic, with storms to follow. Saharan dust hurting everyone’s eyes here and keeping us dry. Strong El Nino does this.

My first hurricane was in 1961 (Carla) and I’ve seen these lulls before. Buckle up for the change over at the end of August. We can use the rain but always seem to get a flood. If they can’t get us one way, they’ll get us another.

"How did all the boats on the water burn as well and there is a perfect circle of fire around the city "
https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/what-kind-of-wildfires-burn-in-a? as well as …
Dane Wiginton’s comments around "flash drought and anomalous 85 MPH winds perfectly timed to create an unprecedented inferno "
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 12, 2023, #418?
and finally – fuel as a contributing factor
“many parts of Hawai’i are trending towards dryer conditions, BUT the fire problem is mostly attributable to the vast extents of nonnative grasslands left unmanaged by large landowners as we’ve entered a ‘post-plantation era’ starting around the 1990s Hawaii’s fire problem could be far, far more manageable with adequate support, planning, and resources for fuel reduction projects, agricultural land use, and restoration and reforestation around communities and the foot of our forests”.