What the hell happened in Lahaina Maui Hawaii?


Video early on:
Video shows Hawaii wildfires spreading across Maui

Damage from Hawaii fires | Raw video

“We’re Not Going to Die This Way”: Father Jumped into Ocean with 5 Kids to Escape Maui Fire

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Interesting to see how sophisticated USSA propaganda has become[CNN].
Hitting all the key areas that don’t get into what really happened and why.
Completely sanitized news.
Really hard to stomach - realizing how trust is being raped 24/7/365.
All for “your” good; not, for their own good[of course].
The USSA media takes the public for dummies.
And, if they’re watching CNN, they’re dummies.
So whatever percentage share CNN gets; it’s been dummied-up.


Will not watch Amy Goodwin.
Ironically; decades ago, I was recommending her.
She’s a reminder of my stupidity, and gullibility.


I agree completely, Robert_Barricklow. I can’t stand her. Her show was given $500K in the early 2000s and she sold out. But I thought the story of how this family jumped into the water to escape the fire was worthwhile.

2023 08-14 DEW’D Hawaii Torched [Stopthe Crime] rumble

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FABULOUS! THANK YOU! See my video posted below “DEW’D Hawaii Torched”

I sent this article earlier… they have become public about it now.
World Directed Energy Weapons Market Research Report 2023: Market to Reach $22.1 Billion by 2032

@ [justawhoaman]
I’m reminded of all the traffic congestion around the country and governments have done nothing to improve the situation. It is clear now that they have been planning for the 15-minute cities for YEARS AND YEARS. And now we clearly see the purpose of the Climate Change agenda. Thanks for posting.

Check this out
Smart House {funny commersial [Your man in London Collecting]

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Well. Interesting social media posts coming through from locals . Check these tweet

Looks like land grabbing and property confiscation under way…

For the implementation of::point_down:

Remember “build back better”?
The picture gets clearer after reading this:

"The government of Hawaii states goal for rebuild is to make the entire island of Maui the first Smart ISLAND. They want the entire island governed by AI as outlined in the Hawaii Digitial government summit of 2023 that they have planned to host next month Monday, September 25, 2023 on Maui.

Plans to implement a Digital AI government in Hawaii
• https://events.govtech.com/Hawaii-Digital-Government-Summit.html

Information about smart cities in Hawaii
• https://www.nedo.go.jp/content/100864936.pdf
• Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2022
• Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) | The Shidler College of Business
• CfP "Digitalization of Work" at the 56th HICSS Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - HR

Interesting: “Hitachi recently announced that it has begun operations on the demonstration site for the “Japan-U.S. Island Grid Project” (commonly referred to as the “JUMPSmartMaui”) on the island of Maui, Hawaii, in collaboration with the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Mizuho Bank, Ltd. and Cyber Defense Institute, Inc. An opening ceremony was held on Maui to coincide with the launch of site operations.”
• The New Smart Grid in Hawaii: JUMPSmartMaui Project : Social Innovation : Hitachi

Last January of 2023 there was a Smart City Conference in Maui to turn Maui in an entire smart city ISLAND. Pushing everything electric and making 15 minute smart cities.
Lastly there was a contract last year that was signed to build high rise condos and businesses in Lahaina… which was a historical town that couldn’t have any new development done to it… but now? It can."


“What the hell happened in Lahaina Maui Hawaii”??

IS AN OP WITHIN AN OP WITHIN AN OP…efforts .seeking multiple objectives in order of achieving one unanimous goal.


Wow. Tricknology at its finest.


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It seems that the Police Chief overseeing the Las Vegas shootings might also have been “brought in” to oversee the Lahaina Massacre:

It also seems he is FBI trained.
Who is John Pelletier, Maui Chief of Police?

The surname Pelletier keeps sending up signals in my mind, but I can’t quite place them. Several politicians in Canada, though. Deepstate? Any ideas?? @bluenose ?

We may be, if reports are true, looking at over 1,000 dead, thousands missing.


That name doesn’t ring any bells with me.

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While Maui might become a Smart Island, it won’t be for much of the general population; it’ll be for military to help build-out port and maintain it, just like Pearl. The general population will probably get a few choices, incl. staying on Maui in Smart City, leaving for mainland, moving to another island, esp. Niihau IF you can prove 1/4 Hawaiian. (No electric power there.)

Will see…

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They moved all the natives off the Mariana Islands when they took it over from the British. Military now.

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I think that’s pretty much what they’re going to do.

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This person published his book on 8/11/23 WTH?


You have learned an important ‘thing’ about ‘illusion’. Have you ever watched the movie titled, “The Illusionist” set in Venice, Italy? That one is truly a ‘mindbender’. This is one film that is on my regular ‘once-a-year’ viewing list. A bit difficult the first or 2nd viewing, but once you ‘parse’ the ‘magic’ you can better understand JPF’s early works on ‘majak’, and how it is used to deceive. In the movie it is used for a good purpose, but ‘majak’ can also be used for an alternative ‘purpose’. It is truly ‘true’ how often ‘movie makers’ obscure truth behind so-called fiction as if their very life depended on hiding it.

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Beams, balloons and changing sunlight into microwaves…

Changing sunlight to microwaves: A concept

The beamed power microwave transmitting antenna

This is the full article about it, which is more sciencey than me but has some interesting pieces in it and validates the concept and development, in the 70s
“Beamed power concepts have been standard fare in science fiction literature for various probes, transportation systems, offensive and defensive weapons, etc., for many years, although earth’s society has exploited mainly communications and navigation concepts of beamed power to date. However, the technology potential in real life is now such that other applications are beginning to be seriously advocated [1]. This article addresses principally the peaceful uses of beamed power as applied to electric utilities functions and transportation concepts. Recent advances in microwave converter efficiency [2], small scale model systems efficiency achievements [3], and high-power long-range wireless transmission demonstrations”

A military land grab in response to a Chinese threat wrapped up in climate change? How many more balloons are up there? What were those green lasers above Maunakea from the Daqi-1/AEMS satellite? What caused Lahaina to be encircled in fire? Whatever it was, it wasnt natural and the only wind involved is political

Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 15.35.57


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