What the hell happened in Lahaina Maui Hawaii?

Welcome to the forum, @nyx.

“Electromechanical device converts sunlight into microwave energy by direct process. Still in conceptual stage, device is expected to be lighter and more efficient (ninety percent conversion efficiency) than less-direct conversion systems that employ solar panels and magnetrons. Besides uses in satellites and spacecraft as microwave source, device has many terrestrial applications, including use in fuel-saving sun-powered microwave oven.”

Perhaps the electromechanical process conceived then (late '70’s) has evolved into a nanotechnology of the late 90’s. One consistent feature of the raging wildfires (those with black infrared signatures on NOAA imagery) has been how 90-plus percent of them die down after sunset and don’t flare back up (volcanically) until noon or so. Same goes for the daily fly-by (single) wildfires seen all over the country. Modern airborne nanoparticles may also be powered from less-efficient sources so as to maintain microwave beam transmission after dark (such as this morning Aug 16, 2023 in British Columbia).

Another feature of “black dot” fires is the presence of peculiar clouds: (1) low altitude, small puffy whites in the immediate vicinity; and/or (2) higher-altitude, long feathery clouds that are nearby or up to hundreds of miles away.

Sunlight is free fuel that powers not only microwave type DEWs for irradiating surface targets (e.g., Lahaina) to burn hotter, but also for worldwide weather manipulation. Modern “sunlight conversion” in the form of nanoparticles likely has some ability to store energy for nighttime operation as well, who knows.

I worked on airborne radar systems in the military decades ago and have some understanding of magnetrons, waveguides, wave propagation, and so on, but all of that was based on technologies developed as far back as WWII. Reading about the new sciency stuff as you say, makes my eyes gloss over.

Good find, thank you for posting.


I do love that whenever there is a “culprit” in the mix, it must be Russia or China… not BlackRock, Vanguard, rogue military working for the highest bidder…


I just came across some interesting information. It turns out that most laws pertain to 47 states and Canada. That should make you wonder (some believe that Canada and the US are 1 under the Republic). The 3 states that are different are 1) Louisiana, a Napoleonic code state and 2) Alaska and HAWAII which are UN states as they were included after December 7, 1945 (when UN was given Manhattan Island and 30 miles of US/Mexican border).

Ruminate on that one. The implications for the Maui situation suddenly become much broader.


You are not alone. Check out author reviews —

(1) How dare you take advantage of other people’s pain and loss to push your agenda! The fires aren’t even out and you publish this garbage! No investigation, no proof-just the usual lies pushed for profit. Evil, evil thing to do :rage:
98 people found this helpful

(2) This is a joke right? Blaming fires on climate change? Seriously?
This is kind of like Event 201 (October 2019), pretty much predicted the “Pandemic”
Sick people in this world
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“Pre planned and inside information”: Unforgiving Flames Hawaii book on Amazon intensifies Maui conspiracy


Changing sunlight to microwaves: A concept

But then what about the NIGHT?

VT/NY - New England Emergency Floods Leading to Weather Modification Lawsuit

[Forgive me if I posted this elsewhere. It’s just so good.]


Great film! I watched it twice on my first viewing just to see how it was done.

As usual there is some method to the madness.
How weird that this needed to happen to move forward turning Hawaii into 15 minute city-like island, everything run electric and helped along by AI.
I found this very enlightening

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What we do know 4 sure is that this global force thrives of Ignorance , it seeks qualities that destroy the divine in man, it empoweres characters harmful to the divine nature in man and ensures qualities that cause the decline in wealth that otherwise maybe lasting

How’s this footage of the “natural fires” . :point_down:


Thanks for the positive vibrations! It’s good to be here!

it’s all one and the same really isn’t it, just various levels aren’t aware of where they are in the chain. Division distractions are powerful. I agree that ultimately it’s linked with particular families, world organisations and groups that are controlling resources and perception. Setting up or playing into an expected and recognisable structure and power system, and then doing something covert under that disguise is expected. I don’t think the top care much about country boundaries and external public allegiances.

Public facing space based power systems are still actively being developed. There’s the Cassiopeia by IECL that could function despite bad weather or night. The black projects/x-tech versions must be decades ahead


also does anyone know whats going on from 2023-08-13 1800 UTC to 8-14 1200 UTC over the US west coast? change timespan to “latest 120 hrs”

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Buy the book about it!
It was released before the events was even done🤡


As I have posted elsewhere on the forum, this “book”( 54 pages), which I found on Amazon under the author Jeff D. Noble, was most likely posted by a( commissioned) bot, and written by ChatGPT4+.


Dont doubt that, but why?

Reminds me a bit of the latest Trump indictment getting leaked before it was even decided in court.

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All part of creating the( deep) fake internet, whilst removing any real information/knowledge sources —— including books, apparently.


You can see that the origin of the microwave burst was from the Alaska HAARP facility. Wow. good catch

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They make up laws as they go IMO.


Jonesy cartoon on disaster capitalism that is worth more than a thousand words


This URL was posted on Twitter which I though was pretty comprehensive of the #MauiFires:


I spent 25 years in the fire service and never once saw the footprint of a burned-out structure covered in a white/grey ash instead of a blackened pile of ‘leftovers’. White/Grey ash is a signature of heat so intense that it would be impossible to replicate without a constant source of said heat being applied until the whole structure was destroyed even the blackened carbon leftovers. I also don’t know of any ‘woody’ building material that could burn so intensely.


This evil event needs to be told this way. I am sharing this every where. I am so saddened that my heart just cries out for these people.