What's going on at Scamford? Multiple bio Scammers, FTX house arrest and new banned words like "seminal"

This is from Bari Weiss who I just started reading a bit because of the twitter files. (Edit: Just looked further into B Weiss and yikes! but the info she gave on this is good anyway) Stanford Uni has a President and a Genetics Professor both busted for biological science related scams - kind of interesting, plus Scamford boasts alumni like the CEO of FTX plus her cohort Bankman-Fried, who will be returning to Scamford apparently to live under house arrest? read down. Before that Bari makes an interesting point about an overflow and influx of freshly minted History PhDs - a ploy to rewrite history according to “herstory”? or perhaps according to “globaloneystory”?

→ We have a dangerous oversupply of History PhDs: America’s graduate schools are hellbent on making thousands of unemployed people fated to wander the country reminding us that they have PhDs and that we should call them “doctor.” From Inside Higher Ed: “Between 2019 and 2020, 1,799 historians earned their PhDs, and only 175 of them are now employed as full-time faculty members.” What are the 1,624 remainders doing? Mostly screaming on Twitter, I guess? Cornering people at otherwise normal dinners to explain how their thesis shows mid-century modern furniture is homophobic?

These people are highly educated, highly articulate, saddled with debt and understandably full of rage. It’s a national security issue. We should probably create special PhD playrooms for them, Potemkin faculty lounges, pretend academic journals for them to bicker about.

→ Meantime, Stanford says more censorship please : Sometimes there is news that is so perfectly crafted for TGIF I almost feel bad. The fruit is too low. The fish are just waiting to get shot in that barrel. This week that comes from Stanford University, which has released a list of verboten words so crazed, so long, so thorough, that it would truly take a [four-year $250,000] degree to learn it. Some **words that pretty soon can get you fired: basket case, blind study, blind review, handicapped, handicapped space, lame, brave, tribe, mankind, manpower, seminal (“this term reinforces male-dominated language”), stand up meeting, senile, you guys, abort, peanut gallery, American, Hispanic, user, victim, master, rule of thumb, disabled person. Even the verb submit has dangerous connotations: “the term can imply allowing others to have power over you.”

Read the whole list here, and if you go to Stanford, I have this to say: You guys, do not submit to these lame basket cases.

It’s a good thing Stanford administrators have nothing else to worry about . . .

→ Scamford: Joining embattled Stanford president who is under investigation for faking evidence in his past biological research for years, and now prominent Stanford genetics professor Stan Cohen has had to pay more than $29 million for misleading investors in his biotech startup. Will he still teach at Stanford? Of course he will, the school says.

I highly recommend reading the Stanford Daily for updates on America’s elite scams. As I write this, I double-check the website to see what else is up in school news and lo: “Stanford alum Caroline Ellison ’ apologizes for wrongdoing that led to FTX bankruptcy” and “Sam Bankman-Fried to be under house arrest on Stanford campus.” On campus! Probably with a vegan meal plan. It’s perfect.

Happy New Year, once more, proudly from the peanut gallery.


And yet, 8 out of 10 cats, I mean, 2nd graders, think:

The Stanford Guide to ‘Out-of-Touch Pettiness’ -

Tell children across the board for enough years the same drivel, and you will have a society that actually believes this. And enough of that belief may give rise to a new actuality, or Form. Moulding the future, as it were.


I wonder if the tour guides still always walk backwards when they give tours there.


Yeah, if this the coming culture there’s almost no chance I die a natural death LOL.
