To start off i wanted to talk about an Op inside an Op, inside and Op, the Russian nesting doll 9/11 Operation Dr. JPF talks about.
Level 1: the surface level Muslim hijackers, flying planes into buildings.
Level 2: the military drills being conducted in live time while the events unfold on TV and the inability of the military/Civilian Flight Controllers to understand exactly what is going on.
Level 3: Disappearing the building in front of the cameras, so much so, there wasn’t even a thud on the ground where anything with any kind of mass hits the ground, the absence of data on the seismographs.
The Drone Operation is, in my opinion, very similar.
Level 1: The surface level, drones from Iran morphing into from China as of this writing, supporting the passing of Legislation to help control the UAP problem, providing more and more money for who knows what?
Level 2: The opportunity for MIC Corps of multiple different conuntries perhaps, to show off some fancy dancy new flying thingy’s and gizmo’s, in the War of the Worlds Op Dr. JPF speaks of here!!
And now onto Level 3: Which i believe to be this Scalar ELF Tech being tested on the populace! However, NOT in the form of the “Cosmic War” Interferometry aspect, or the “Template” pattern shown on 9/11 with the burning of the cars along side streets and what not, allowing for the interference/feedback/Resonation loops to occur and play off each other, thus causing the twisting and disassociation on an atomic scale we are seeing in Dr Woods “Where did the towers go.” We are see a Single form ELF Scalar punch on the individual craft zooming around up there. After all we have someone on this forum claiming evidence of being physically effected by the “drones.”
In '54 a French Facilities engineer discovered the effects of ELF on the human body. He installed a huge ventilation fan that so happen to rotate at about 15-19 Hertz. My memory can’t remember the exact Frequency. Anyway, he got the fan installed and turned on, and within 30 minutes the people inside the underground bunker began to complain of being nausea and getting head aches. Not one or two people but like 80% of the facility. So they clear everyone outside, and almost immediately they felt better. Being that this was a French Bio Lab, they feared the worst and began to look for the pathogen. So they turned off the air handling unit and scrubbed the whole facility down, trying to kill any pathogen. Once clean and dry, they brought everyone back in and for work, turned the Air handling unit (Giant Fan) back on and again within 30 minutes people had to evacuate. This time the Facilities engineer realized it wasn’t a pathogen, he suggested bringing everyone back in and leaving the fan off for the day. They did and everyone went in and worked for the rest of the day without incident. First thing the next morning, he kicks on the fan and everyone has to evacuate. He thinks he’s got it. There is a faulty bearing in the fan causing a slight wobble which is generating an imperceptible frequency to the human ear but none the less effecting people.
So he sets forth to build a giant pipe organ, one that is around 17 Hertz. They get it working and can generated enormous Amplitude in the 17 Hertz pipe. I assume this is accomplished by simply pushing a large volume of air through it? Anyway, he contacts the Army they agree to an experiment, they loan him about 50 soldiers. The Facilities Engineer lines these guys up in formation in front of the giant pipe organ and turns it up to like 160 decibels. Again, for those of you unaware, the hearing organ on the human skull commonly called the ear and ear drum is NOT capable of “hearing” any frequency below 20 Hertz. However, the eardrum will still try to translate that Pressure Wave into an electrical signal that the brain can interrupt as sound! The sensation that is generated is a Vibration in the brain or head and not a heard thing! So the actual physical pressure wave that was generated from this pipe physically hits these soldiers, and instantly a few just die, internal organ failure and a couple of more defecated themselves, the rest scatter like ants! The engineer shuts this thing off, and has discovered a sightless and soundless instant death ray, for no “noise” was heard and no “ray” was seen! Fast forward through, 70 years of research, pepper in the scalar aspect now what you have is NOT a Sine wave with ELF, but a Scalar wave with ELF, punching you through the very fabric of Space Time itself. They can send that single scalar punch signal to any point anywhere, I’m assuming the power input as the limiting factor? Unless Antigravitics and Zero Point, then, unlimited power to punch a scalar ELF into the guts of anyone anywhere, with any kind of amplitude?!