On Monday last I reviewed four articles having to do with all the drone sightings in New Jersey, and now, elsewhere around the country, noting that some aspects of the original narrative - namely that they posed no threat and that the goobernment did not know what they were - had collapsed with the alleged…


What’s that saying, if it’s over the top, it’s a psyop…?


You can call them Davos now or WEF. Nazi international is what their parents used to do.


I found a pretty good YouTube channel that has been following these drones. One gal is apparently communicating with some plasmoid and when she tries to communicate with it talking about God and Jesus, it seems to respond. It’s near the end of this video, but this video is great all the way through: https://youtu.be/pvSxo-IsAbc?si=RLDbD496aUiUJcoa

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Are God and Jesus speaking in an AI monotone? :wink:


If the Maryland and New Jersey Governors, who were taking pictures/video and reporting along crazy story lines, were not part of the operation, then the gullibility of the public to fall victim to the psy-op is more powerful than i thought.

Of course, i feel in my bones, the general public didn’t react nearly as much as the media portrayed. All those “reports” were just this guy rebooted, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evLtMyC__AE


Yeah I agree. The psyop didn’t quite get the response needed/wanted so more media hype was kindled…Kinda like if you can’t get the horse to move, kick ‘em harder…



Here is an update on the drones over Langley last year. 20 ft drone going 100mph.

“The former commander of the the Langley Air Force Base in Hampton, Virginia, has revealed an unidentified drone swarm buzzed the facility for 17 days last December.

According to retired US Air Force General Mark Kelly, the flyovers took place using a mixture of 20-foot long fixed-wing drones traveling at around 100mph (160 km/h) and smaller quadcopters. They appeared shortly after nightfall on December 6 and returned every evening in what he called “Close Encounters at Langley,” Kelly explained to the Wall Street Journal.

According to the Journal’s report, the drones would circle the airbase and also flew over the Chesapeake Bay and the US Navy’s headquarters at Naval Station Norfolk. The drones were found to be using a different frequency band to commercially available kit.”


At this point it appears that our military has to answer the classic question … Is this a case of will not act or can not act? I tend towards thinking the former. Neither choice is a good choice.

… let us keep adding a few things up:

… from our earlier “confrontations” with the so-called “Chinese Balloons” …

… for the time being let us stay with the situation as presented …

… You, the MIC, say you can not defend against or bring down battery driven toys (about which it is claimed we know everything) referred to collectively as “drones”.

… You, the MIC, say, via the mouthpiece of Lou Elizondo et al., you can (with adequate funding) defend us against an unknown (about which you claim we know practically nothing) referred to collectively as “UFOs” … ok, ok, “UAPs” whatever …

There appears to be a growing collection of logical problems (of the incompatibilty type) here

…… so a few “drones” required the movement of F-22s? … Hmmmm … the state of our flak must be sad indeed if unable to drop a few “drones” … or for that matter a balloon. This seems absurd.

Langley includes:

480th Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Wing

The 480 ISR Wing operates and maintains the Air Force Distributed Common Ground System, or DCGS, also known as the “Sentinel” weapon system, conducting imagery, cryptologic, and measurement and signatures intelligence activities.
The Wing is composed of the following units worldwide:

480th ISR Group, Fort Gordon, Ga.
497th ISR Group, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va.
548th ISR Group, Beale Air Force Base, Calif.
692nd ISR Group, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii
693rd ISR Group, Ramstein Air Base, Germany
694th ISR Group, Osan Air Base, South Korea


363d Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance Wing

The 363d ISR Wing is the targeting production, special operations ISR and full-spectrum analytical support to the tactical warfighter. The wing provides operations, planning and execution support to major commands and theater air and space operation centers. It provides geospatial and comprehensive threat analysis products to units employing airpower worldwide.

Yet no response? In the words of the great Maynard G. Krebs,

“Come now.”

Please Dear God, Please Guv’ o’Mine STOP insulting our intelligence.


The Captain walks into the ATC TOC to relieve the Lieutenant from his shift.

“Well Lieutenant, how goes the watch?”

“Nothing much sir, just a drone swarm coming on the radar. I was about to launch a couple of F-22’s to get a visual.”

"Oh no Lieutenant delay those F-22 launch, … How did the Yankee’s do yesterday, they end up winning?

That’s NOT how that conversation goes.

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… what military actions have we seen that would make us think otherwise?

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Good summary!! :boom: We all know there is a non-national group at The Top who operate with impunity, plus we know there are various “Other” groups present among us…C’mon, Man. Do we REALLY have any idea how many groups are operating here??? The fact that the Nibiru System is passing through as we speak is an added bonus, which, BTW, is causing all the weird weather & disasters because of the tug & pull of those planets on ours!! Happens every 3, 654 years or so…but we Normies are not supposed to know about that either!! We have been kept blissfully ignorant of True Reality of our Universe! Quarantine, indeed!! :rofl:

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I’m agreeing with you. Without military action against these drones, that’s how we know military is aware of what they are! I was simply pointing out how ridiculous of a conversation it would be to just let “unknown” drones fly unobstructed through our airspace without doing anything about it.

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Civil defense is a bit of a black hole. We are not a police state so defense of assets and infrastructure is a challenge but I suspect that is the direction we are moving. It should be interesting to learn who built the drones.


Yes, please don’t nuke the gnats. That would make a big mess. Focus on real threats.

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All they had to do is crash a few drones in significant places (to be recovered) and claim whatever they like with regard to number of drones, etc.

First few minutes says it all.

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Radiation spikes reported in NYC, especially in front of the Israeli Embassy.


Correction: We became a police state after 911.

After that event, to allow any “unknown” aircraft into our civil or military airspace is unthinkable. End of discussion.


Looks like a regular drone war. :point_down:

This is getting wild! pic.twitter.com/HmrdII1xmd

— Johnny Midnight ⚡️ (@its_The_Dr) December 24, 2024
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