Who is Mr globalooney in your opinion?

Welcome chipha! Hope you’re right.


Thank you for the welcome, ebmason. I am hoping I am right also.

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I’ll have to take a look at some of his videos. I have been exploring Dr. Justin Sledge at https://www.youtube.com/c/ESOTERICAchannel. He has a good sense of humor that helps lighten the learning burden.

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Welcome Chipha
I have just found Dr Sledge and yes his humour is great. He is very knowledgeable and has the right amount of enthusiasm, I am listening to his introduction to Kabbalah- so far so good.

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hi chipha!
well come

soupcommie. just bring the chips. always good to feed the blue chickens :wink:

p.s.: about being right. everything is s-pilling over. every day another shock to the ‘normies’ and to us as well. incredible things coming, stay aware, hugs and kisses

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Is this topic still about Who is Mr. Globalooney?


Yes. Like Mr. Gobalooney, look over here, not here…:relaxed:


all roads lead to
mr globaloony, mr funk dub-a-loony’

There has been a lot of “look over here, not here” going on on this forum for a while now. Also too much …

One could surmise that when we are led off a topic - we should double down on whatever someone may not want us to think about. Feeling pretty cranky today.

Could be Pluto’s influence.



Well that has my attention. Who knew? Thanks

Very good - thank you, Bill!

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Is that something like, “The devil made me do it”?

No that’s Flip Wilson’s line.


Everyone is free to come with suggestions and motivations.

Its just that i have my theory that in shoving down your throat aswell.

OK, so what’s so strange about that is why would you plan a grand opening in a conflict zone? Have they announced plans to call it off? Another thing I’ve been watching the Kyev live page on fox News, CBS etc. I’m not seeing lots of conflict if any. I think I did the first day, the traffick definitely slower. I seen there siren lights come on and off, some fire exchange in the far distance maybe, but the lives aren’t adding up of the capital like what the media’s claiming. I don’t know what to make of it.

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Could be to employ some kind of weapons?
Maybe drones or other non manned mech?

5g is probably the skynet infrastructure being built.
Whoever controls 5g in a specific area has the ability to use some scifi tech and totally dominate.

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i think the russes have their own development for cca everything in radiotech. they managed to scramble the whole ukranian army-navys-command center’s telecoms at once.

i think the most part of the ukranaians are wellcoming the russes… possibly drinking together if not in service. the us-puppet maimed the whole country manyfold. putin brought put order as it seems. nowhere r the hundreds of thousands of fleeing people. everybody is praying or fighting, or both.

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I seen that link to on other forums. I was friends with quite a few Russians, and they were always into starcharts astrology and things of that nature. I noticed this a lot with them. And now just the oh what’s your sign, two I meant asked to read my palm within a day or so of meeting them. Now I might be generalizing a whole culture based on a handful of Russians I know in the states so I could be wrong. But it makes you wonder if that date was deliberately chosen for the invasion. In Putins follow up speech which seemed out of character for him in some ways, he directly referenced Biden without saying it out loud. I’m wondering if he was more motivated by avenging the 2014 couple that Biden and his soros people rigged to basically get Zelensky in there and caused a civil war in the Ukraine. Zelensky angle seems more of a cliff note.

Maybe the Ukrainians have a keen sense of humor by choosing a comic for their leader?
Considering what that region has gone through over the last several hundred years, what’s the difference between a comic and some of the other jokers?

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