I agree. Isn’t that a passage in the Bible, beware the philosophies of man? Any rabbit hole can loop back around if you want confirmation to your own personal beliefs. The only reason I don’t believe our personal beliefs shape our reality is it just isn’t true. It seems only sex is allowed to be a fluid outside construct allowed by the authorities, yet if I believe I’m a trillionaire and demand walmart confirms my construct it won’t. I think one disagreement I have with Doc, is the DJ episode where he stated his own belief on the rapture. I forget exactly what he said, forgive me, but I remember him saying we basically wouldn’t rapture in the evangelical perception or pre tribulation; Jesus wouldn’t destroy and set up his own global government cuz that would mean he’s as bad as AC. I’m not saying I’m right, but I think it will be an exact dichotomy. I mean if you’re the devil and watched creation made by God, you will be a perfect deconstructor. I guess if humanity is irredeemable then, I could see his point, that we are all deserving of destruction without the post apocalypse rapture; then on the other hand, why would believing in Christ’s sacrifice be any different than the gnostic gospels, Buddha or a universal religion. Christianity always sets itself apart because it’s not a works based religion, but a belief system that affirmed God’s law by perfect sacrifice cuz human beings are irredeemable and required it. Now I’m just taking my understanding on the Dark Journalist episode. It could be my own misunderstanding of what he meant, and he does certainly believe in rapture, but I think he’s more on the post tribulation side. Unless world War 3 is played out in space time, I’m pre tribulation. But I think Jesus will be just like AC, just polar opposite without the con job and soul destruction. Revelations certainly confirms a new heaven and a new earth, with a very universal triune Christ presiding. Now again, I’m not as well versed in theology of Doc. Either way, we’re going to find out.