“In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.”
Tom Horn: Petrus Romanus will soon replace Pope Francis
October 4, 2017 12:00 AM By James Bailey 108 Comments
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In the 6-minute video shown below, author Tom Horn explains why Pope Francis might not be the one who fulfills St. Malachy’s 878-year-old prophecy, which foretold specific details of each of the final 112 Popes, concluding with Petrus Romanus, which means Peter the Roman, who will be serving as Pope when Rome is destroyed and God judges His people.
Malachy wrote the following prophecy about the 112th Pope.
“In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.” (see the complete post)
In 2011, Tom Horn accurately predicted the 2012 resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, the 265th Pope. Pope Francis replaced him, taking office on March 13, 2013. Everyone agrees Pope Benedict XVI was the 111th Pope since Malachy’s prophecy. So, Pope Francis appears to be the 112th, the one who must fulfill the prophecy. However, Tom Horn believes Pope Francis is not the one.
“I believe Pope Francis was not canonically elected. I believe some hanky-panky went on in the conclave. In fact, I think that has something to do with why he picked St. Francis of Assisi as his namesake. His real name is Bergoglio, as you know, because Francis of Assisi prophesied about the final Pope and he said he will not be canonically elected. Now that means that he’s a placeholder for reasons that we can’t quite figure out, but I believe he’s either going to be removed from office or he’s going to step down like Benedict did, soon. And the guy that comes up to take his place is actually going to be the real Pope 112 by election, Petrus Romanus.
The people that actually… some of the Cardinals that voted for Pope Francis now want him to step down. They’ve published this. It’s in the news. They want him to step down and they want him to be replaced by the Secretary of State at the Vatican whose name literally means Petrus Romanus, Peter the Roman.”
The Vatican’s current Secretary of State, commonly known as the Cardinal Secretary of State, is Pietro Parolin, shown in the photo above with President Obama. Parolin seems to be a better fit for the title of Peter the Roman than Pope Francis for several reasons.
- First, his real name is Pietro, which is Italian for Petrus (Latin) or Peter (English). I was unable to find the definition of Parolin.
- Second, unlike Pope Francis, who is a native of Argentina, Parolin is a native of Italy, which makes him a better fit to be called Peter the Roman.
- Third, Parolin is currently 62 years old, 18 years younger than Pope Francis which makes him more likely to live long enough to fulfill St. Malachy’s prophecy of being in office during the destruction of Rome. At age 80, it seems like a stretch for Pope Francis to live long enough to fulfill the prophecies.
If Tom Horn is correct about Pope Francis being replaced by Pietro Parolin, and if the final Pope is the second beast identified in Revelation 13, also known as the False Prophet, then it would appear Pope Francis has only been preparing the way for the one who comes after him, which fits two prophecies I posted two years ago. The first one is from Brian Carn:
“Pope Francis will have a health scare, but he will be fine. Pope Francis is being maligned, but he is not the one to worry about…it’s the next Pope that comes into office who will do very dark things. Be very prayerful about this.” (see the complete post)
The second one is from Pastor Benjamin Faircloth of Ignited Church in Lavonia, GA:
“Pope Francis will die and his successor will make way for the rising and appearance of the antichrist and his unholy spirit that shall increase and manifest throughout the earth. I do not know if this is a literal death or him resigning as Pope. I do know out of his own mouth he said he had 2-3 years left before he goes to the Father’s house.” (see the complete post)