Why has our sun changed color?

Any thoughts as to why the sun has gone white phosphorus, whereas only 2 or three years ago it was a beautiful Gold? Just in time for the Aquarian age and the most diabolical times in Earth’s history?
Also Latin for Lucifer just happens to mean Phosphorus? “I will be with you til the end of the age” (of Pisces), “when will the end of the age happen” is asked of the Lord and “go into the city and seek a man bearing water” is His answer. (Aquarius the water bearer) - scripture, and also “He appears in a blazing golden light, with rays of fiery gold coming forth from his head and hands. The emanation of his aura and of his heart flame is a dazzling white light, almost too brilliant to gaze upon. He serves with God Tabor, the God of Nature, the Maha Chohan and the hierarchs of the four elements to precipitate or reduce the rate of frequency of the electronic substance from the sun, drawing it into manifestation in the earth as gold.”
"It was my commission from Alpha and Omega aeons and aeons ago to establish the focuses of gold in the Matter planes among the galaxies and thus to teach elemental life under the four hierarchies and through the Elohim. - TSL encyclopedia
Perhaps a good question for The good doctor Farrel is 'how is it possible that a huge gaseous star can all of a sudden change from golden to white?


… obviously it’s the Canadian Trucks. They are absorbing sunlight causing a change in the suns color.


hey bro’, lightened my heart.
btw take a look at neptune, its shining like a blue sun…

p.s.: and i think that the sun is a very big player from start. and every planet is his/her child. looking for hot plasma inside the earth… there’s a star-seed inside birthed by our sun. and starturn is coming. BIG thing

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The Sun is the same, our atmosphere is choked with particles, of which much is metallic. A guess.


I think the atmosphere is dissipating, being stripped away by new forces (possibly new planetary system intersecting our solar system?). Yeah, the evil ones are spraying the skies to try to retain the old atmosphere, cause they know their lizard bodies can’t live in the New Kingdom. But their plans are for not. They will all perish.

I certainly agree. Whereas, a child of memory recalls coloring the sun YELLOW, now, you would color THE SUN a bright phosphorous, and the shadows it casts a void of dark and deep blue.