Originally published at: WHY IS CANADA ON FIRE?

… Weel, the short answer to that question is, that someone has started them, according to this story about the Alberta fires shared by T.M.: Smith to hire ‘arson investigators’ as 175 Alberta wildfires have no known cause And then there’s this article about the Quebec fires shared by V.T.: There are Now 250 “Out-of-Control”…


175 fires is a remarkable number for a person or people on the ground to successfully start. Also it’s early in the season for all that.

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If it’s 15 minutes cities they want, they may have to wait awhile. We moved from the capitol city here, about two years ago. And I don’t regret it. Country now and it’s pleasant. It’s kind. Back in the city, people are setting fires. Former neighbors had their dumpster set afire and nearly burned down their home. They moved too.Continuous theft, cars, amazon boxes, etc. No where safe. And law enforcement not allowed to do anything except maybe take a report.

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Antifa showed how much damage they can do to a city. Why not get hired to start fires everywhere, coordinated by the beloved smartphone. Cloward Piven in Canada.

Could be but also I’m thinking of how Joseph suggested some type of weaponised technology might have been used on California and other places.


My comment actually comes from my business partner who is from Alberta- she suspects antifa because she can see the weak around her who would be happy to participate in destroying Canada.


Yeah, knowing they’re out there makes me suspicious of a lot of things, trainwrecks, collapsing bridges etc.


I reckon it’s this…

It’s such a “Hot” new look that it’s starting fires…


300 ton of ammonium nitrate( highly flammable) finally found its place. Québec and Alberta.

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I see members of the green parties use it for all its worth; “Never have we seen more dried out forests, these fires are not normal”.
And they are correct it’s not “normal”, it’s arson.
I saw numbers saying there is 12000 criminal arson offenses in Canada annually.
In 2001 there was 46,27 arsons pr 100.000 residents.
In 2018; 21,72, being the highest and lowest numbers respectively since year 2000.
It will be interesting to see the numbers this year, even though they aretrying to label them,and probably succesfully, as anything but arsons.

Canada: reported arson rate 2021 | Statista


Graph showing area burned so far this year in Canada. This is an off the charts event.

Suggested contributing factors include extended severe drought in many areas of British Columbia and Alberta as well as an extreme temperature anomaly at the time the fires ignited

and unusually heavy lightening storms so far north for this time of the year

Unfortunately human caused fires are a common occurrence

The current listed wildfire cause summary for British Columbia is
Fires Caused by Lightning 50
Fires Caused by People 26
Fires with Unknown Causes 4

Smoke forecast as of 4pm PST June 17

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