Why is the elites overeager to legalize pedophilia?

I have asked myself this question a lot these last years, cause to me, and I very well might be wrong of course, but to me it seems they are hurrying this for some reason and that it might very well be where people draw that line in the sand and say: Enough!

But seriously; Why?
These people have been testing the waters for so many other things and pulled decisions they saw wouldn’t fly.
But with this one, and a couple of others, it’s like they absolutely have to implement it by a certain time.
Do you have any idea whats going on, enlighten me; please!
Im really curious to what the reason might be.
We see them roll out the monkeypox thing, just in time for the elections in US, but I was thinking that there’s something else going on as well, the hammer is coming down for all the lockdown decisions and a lot of cases are starting to appear in the courtrooms.
I heard that the plane that went down in Sao Paolo, Brazil, did not only carry 8 doctors. There was also a lawyer onboard who was about to represent in 90-ish cases against airlines and probably others as well, in cases regarding the C19 vaxx.
But can it be so “easy”; that they see another lockdown as the final nail in the coffin and that they with this new rollout of diseases and lockdowns feel completely assured they will finally get their new world order up and running after the world opens up again ?
Israeli soldiers wear a map over “greater Israel”.
UK says they will fill camps with their own citizens over “hatespeech” on “X”. Camps in the Falkland islands. For reposting a meme on social media.
Let all this sink in; something does not feel right about all this.
But then again; things haven’t felt “right” in a rather long while now.
Either way, it seems to me they’re really not too worried about dropping the mask this time around.
If it is because too many of us have woken up or it is because they are working on some sort of timeline ;I don’t know. But the latter feels more real to me.
The importance of resisting the zoo-poxes and catch any fraud during the election(s) seems of the highest calibre.
And that old tinfoil theory of how the last punch will come, everything coming down on us at once, seems to be realer than ever.
Economy crash, race wars, another round with real/fake virus, WWIII , food shortages, earthquakes to stop air traffic and more. Operation Bluebeam type scenarios, digital credits, digital ID, robot workers, those purple street light and I’m sure the social security numbers that was hacked just happened now that a digital ID is ready for use, plus lots of other things; it all seems like it’s ready for rollout on the signal from some ringleader(s)…
There might not be many original ideas here, but am I the only one who has a feeling we are closing in on this scenario?
And do you have any idea why they seem to be on a timeline?

Here’s the new “ATM” machines. Welcome to terrordome.

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In my opinion, is related to Israel, the world is unhinged right now. This genocide will haunt the American nation for all eternity. Every bomb dropped in Gaza falls in America and I will add every church. There is a disruption, a shock of the medium, that is very palpable. Happy thoughts won’t fix this. I think everybody involved is going to get judgment by God almighty for not stopping this.

I know there are all kinds of baroque conspiracy theories, about pedophilia, transgenderism, abortion, etc. I recommend to start looking at the Talmud first.


I’ve had this conversation about why so many strange things that contradict the original spirit of Judaism found themselves in pharisees religion. I’ve finally found an explanation I deem reasonable.

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You can appreciate that with such a giant loophole dont be surprised if Mr global turns out to be “Jewish” its just an issue of conveniance. Just like what happened with freemasonry. The best place to hide a religion is inside another religion. Especially if the latter is protective of its members and lax in enforcing excommunication.

The illuminated ones from Egypt and Babylon passed their mind virus into all these sects.

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Yes, they’re very eager to get their “predicted” armageddon up and running, ASAP!
As I said elsewhere in the forum; I find it a little childish that Israel is playing this game where they act like all this is unfolding completely naturally and according to scriptures, when in fact they are provoking WWIII through their actions.

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I would say “zionist” and not “jewish”. Thankfully there’s lots of jewish people vocal about what is happening.

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Given that every gnostic heresy has been able to survive by inflitrating Judaism and using the loophole in Jewish law to preserve itself its not just Zionism. Same for freemasonry. Its not these religions per se, its the various secret groups within them.