WHY, that is the question?

Hello M. Farrell & All,

I have a thought & question to you all Giza’s people-:wink:


I mean, why the destruction of “human race”, western civilisation recently, destruction of the humain full of Grâce ( the one born from the “virgin-mary/mum” & not created-artificially )… "

WHY, the operational power-to-be, the-Hologram, the-omnipresent-artificial-inteligence, the 8-sphere, or if you wish Enki-Enlil patern, … WHY the hell, it takes them so long, they can destroy US once & for all, definitively … they have the technology, even a genuine wisdom to eradicate/neutralized the “so-called” surplus of humanity or even all, juste from a blow, at once … -;
And yet, they don’t do that, … they make it lasts for millennia ?

THAT’s The Question.


“Well it may be the devil, or it may be the Lord but you’re gonna have to serve somebody” (Bob Dylan). The point being, maybe ‘someone’ is looking over the shoulder of those who have the power to end life as we know it on Earth…and there will be consequences.


We seem to be always in the ongoing struggle between Dark & Light!! By being in this eternal struggle develops our character & tests our “mettle”…we get to choose which “side” we want to be on & we each have our unique place within the drama that is continually unfolding!! :innocent:

The fact is that the “they” have done everything to block our pineal glands. Once we find ways to open even the slightest access to it, we realize that God gave us that light when he lit our spark. We simply have to recognize that the light comes from within us and let it burn through the darkness around us.

You have to serve that spark, Bob.


I have thought a great deal about your question, and it occurred to me that “they” cannot destroy a civilization. That civilization must choose to destroy itself.
It seems there is a kind of balance in the Universe in which each and every element plays its part. I there were to be an intervention to take out one or another element, then the balance would be jeopardized and the whole thing could fall apart — kind of like the game of Jenga.
And so, on it goes.
The Magistri Ludi behind it all are still constrained by certain rules.